World Trade Organization/WTO
Learn more about China’s Entry into the WTO at a Deep Level
ID: TARP-233 Title: Learn more about China’s Entry into the WTO at a Deep Level Source: Jilin Daxue Shehui Kexue Xuebao (Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition), No. 5 Sept., 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Yuanji Chi Keywords: China, globalization, reform, trade, WTO Abstract: When it comes […]
WTO and Development of International Economic Law
ID: TARP-299 Title: WTO and Development of International Economic Law Source: Contemporary Law Science, No. 1 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 6 Author(s): Lu Sun Keywords: international law, law, WTO Abstract: This paper describes the process and tendency of development of the WTO. It analyzes the direct influences brought by WTO […]
Prerequisite to Establish a Believable Government: Legislation
ID: TARP-322 Title: Prerequisite to Establish a Believable Government: Legislation Source: Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College, Vol. 18 No. 5 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 6 Author(s): Guizhi Zhang Keywords: government, legal system, market economy, rule of law, WTO, credit Abstract: Establishing a believable society is a demand to deepen the […]
Entry into the WTO and the Innovation of Legal System
ID: TARP-297 Title: Entry into the WTO and the Innovation of Legal System Source: Politics and Law, No. 2 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 4 Author(s): Yaodong Zhang Keywords: China, foreign trade, intellectual property, legal system, WTO Abstract: China’s entry into the WTO has brought profound influences on Chinese legal system. […]
Market of Government Procurement Faced by Chinese Enterprises
ID: TARP-290 Title: Market of Government Procurement Faced by Chinese Enterprises Source: Lilun Daokan (Theoretical Guidance), No. 1, 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Dingyou Liu Keywords: China, enterprise, government, transparency, WTO, government procurement Abstract: After China’s entry into the WTO, Chinese economy maintains the development with a high […]
Accession to the WTO & Reform of Managerial Mode of Enterprises by Chinese Government
ID: TARP-251 Title: Accession to the WTO & Reform of Managerial Mode of Enterprises by Chinese Government Source: Tansuo yu Qiushi (Explore & Pursue), No. 12, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Aijun Cheng Keywords: enterprise, foreign enterprise, government, reform, trade, transparency, WTO, foreign capital Abstract: Economic Management System […]
Entrance into the WTO and Countermeasures of Commercial Enterprises
ID: TARP-248 Title: Entrance into the WTO and Countermeasures of Commercial Enterprises Source: Yatai Jingji (Asia Pacific Economy), No. 04, 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Changnan Wu, Linfeng Pan Keywords: enterprise, foreign enterprise, WTO, countermeasure, market access, retail industry Abstract: After China enters into the WTO, the retail […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Overview
ID: ITIT-021 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Overview Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 63 Author(s): Peter Van den Bossche Keywords: developing countries, dispute settlement, jurisdiction, law, legal assistance, negotiation, special and differential treatment, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module is the first of four on the dispute […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Safeguard Measures
ID: ITIT-019 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Safeguard Measures Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 59 Author(s): Elisabetta Montaguti Keywords: developing countries, dispute settlement, import, remedies, serious injury, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module provides an overview of the Agreement on Safeguards, as it has been interpreted by […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
ID: ITIT-009 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 43 Author(s): Edwin Vermulst Keywords: developing countries, dispute settlement, materail injury, serious prejudice, subsidies, trade, WTO Abstract: The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures [hereinafter: ASCM] sets out the […]
In the wake of the flood: ‘Like products’ and cultural products after the World Trade Organization’s decision in Canada certain measures concerning periodicals
ID: HARP-585 Title: In the wake of the flood: ‘Like products’ and cultural products after the World Trade Organization’s decision in Canada certain measures concerning periodicals Source: University of Pennsylvania Law Review; Nov98, Vol. 147 Issue 1, p245, 34p, 1 chart Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1998 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Panels
ID: ITIT-016 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Panels Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 50 Author(s): Peter Van den Bossche Keywords: consultation, developing countries, dispute settlement, panel proceedings, panel process, trade, WTO Abstract: The Understanding on Rules and Procedures for the Settlement of Disputes (the “DSU”) of the World […]
WTO & Information Openness of Chinese Government
ID: TARP-266 Title: WTO & Information Openness of Chinese Government Source: Xingzheng Luntan (Administrative Tribune), General No. 50, Mar. 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Genping Wu Keywords: China, constitution, governance, government, transparency, WTO, informationization Abstract: With the development of economy and society, the openness of government information is not just […]
UNCTAD – ICSID – Overview
ID: ITIT-002 Title: UNCTAD – ICSID – Overview Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 28 Author(s): Christoph Schreuer Keywords: arbitration, conciliation, development, dispute settlement, foreign direct investment, international law, investment, law, WTO Abstract: This Module gives a general introduction to the series of Modules dealing with the settlement of […]
Entrance into the WTO & Change of Ideology
ID: TARP-247 Title: Entrance into the WTO & Change of Ideology Source: Zhongguo Waihui Guanli (Management of China’s Foreign Exchange), No. 9, 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xianping Cheng Keywords: compliance, globalization, international law, market economy, risk, WTO, foreign exchange, ideology Abstract: In order to adapt to the WTO, China […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Implementation and Enforcement
ID: ITIT-015 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Implementation and Enforcement Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 47 Author(s): Edwini Kessie Keywords: arbitration, compensation, compliance, equivalency, implementation, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module provides a detailed overview of the implementation process under the Dispute Settlement Understanding from the moment the DSB […]
WTO and Improvement of China’s Laws of Foreign-Capital
ID: TARP-206 Title: WTO and Improvement of China’s Laws of Foreign-Capital Source: Jiangxi Social Science, No.03, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Ruoshan Zheng Keywords: China, company, enterprise, investment, law, legislation, transparency, WTO, foreign capital Abstract: China’s current foreign-capital legislation, a numerous and jumbled system, fails to confrom to the requirements […]
Issues on Domestic Implementation of WTO Agreements
ID: TARP-197 Title: Issues on Domestic Implementation of WTO Agreements Source: China Legal Sciences, No. 03, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): An Yu Keywords: agreement, China, implementation, international trade, legislation, trade, transparency, WTO Abstract: The aim of the WTO is to realize the leberalization of international trade by gradually reducing […]
Impacts on the China’s Foreign-capital Legislation after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-196 Title: Impacts on the China’s Foreign-capital Legislation after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Foreign Economy and Management, Vol. 22, No. 06, June 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xixiang Song Keywords: China, foreign direct investment, investment, legislation, national treatment, trade, transparency, WTO, foreign capital, Foreign-Capital Law Abstract: With […]
Accession to the WTO and Countermeasures against Corruption of China
ID: TARP-261 Title: Accession to the WTO and Countermeasures against Corruption of China Source: Zhongguo Xingzheng Guanli (Chinese Administration), No. 12, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Rongfa Shen Keywords: China, compliance, law, regulation, WTO, corruption, countermeasure Abstract: China’s accession to the WTO not only has great effects on the realm […]
Entrance into the WTO & Chinese Market of Foreign Exchanges
ID: TARP-255 Title: Entrance into the WTO & Chinese Market of Foreign Exchanges Source: Zhongguo Waihui Guanli (Control of Chinese Foreign Exchanges), No. 08, 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xiaoqing Zhang Keywords: China, compliance, supervision, transparency, WTO, foreign exchange, financial services, financial institutions, finance Abstract: In the negotiation of accession […]
Advantages and Disadvantages to Chinese Service Industry after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-253 Title: Advantages and Disadvantages to Chinese Service Industry after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Meitan Jinji Yanjiu (Economic Research on Coal Industry), No. 11, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xianghong Huang Keywords: China, trade, WTO, service industry Abstract: This article introduces the main contents concerning commercial service […]
Issues on Development of China’s Foreign-Capital Legislations
ID: TARP-224 Title: Issues on Development of China’s Foreign-Capital Legislations Source: Modern Law Science, No.02, 1998 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1998 Pages: 0 Author(s): Wenge Zeng Keywords: China, development, GATT, law, legislation, trade, transparency, treaty, treaties, WTO, foreign capital, Foreign-Capital Law Abstract: Aimed at improving China’s foreign-capital lagislation, this article discusses the mode of […]
Analysis of Opportunities & Effect of China’s Entry into the WTO on China’s Insurence
ID: TARP-204 Title: Analysis of Opportunities & Effect of China’s Entry into the WTO on China’s Insurence Source: Insurance Research, No. 05, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Qixiang Sun Keywords: China, national treatment, regulation, supervision, trade, transparency, WTO, insurance, MFN (Most Favored Nation) Abstract: China has become the member country […]
WTO Accession, Rural Labour Migration and Urban Unemployment in China
ID: HARP-672 Title: WTO Accession, Rural Labour Migration and Urban Unemployment in China Source: Urban Studies, Vol. 39, No. 12, 2199-2217, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: China/Chinese, economic, social, and cultural rights, employment, human rights, movement and residency, reform, social security, trade, unemployment, World Trade Organization (WTO), labor market, […]
Boost the Establishment of Rule of Administrative Law by Taking the Opportunity of Accession to the WTO
ID: TARP-328 Title: Boost the Establishment of Rule of Administrative Law by Taking the Opportunity of Accession to the WTO Source: Journal of Liaoning Administration College), No. 3 (Vol. No. 3) Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 4 Author(s): Yalan Liang Keywords: China, government, WTO, administrative law, accession accession Abstract: This paper discusses how […]
On Entry into the WTO and Rule of Administrative Law
ID: TARP-326 Title: On Entry into the WTO and Rule of Administrative Law Source: Journal of Qinghai Normal University –Philosophy and Social Science). No. 3, General No. 94 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 5 Author(s): Huirong Gao Keywords: China, government, reform, WTO, administrative law, ideology Abstract: China’s the WTO requires that Chinese market […]
The Transparent Principle of WTO and the Current Situation and Reform of the Administrative Opening in China
ID: TARP-324 Title: The Transparent Principle of WTO and the Current Situation and Reform of the Administrative Opening in China Source: Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology –Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 3 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 5 Author(s): Jingfang Gao, Chungang Zhang, Linghua Gao Keywords: China, reform, transparency, WTO, […]
WTO and China’s Government Procurement Mechanism
ID: TARP-323 Title: WTO and China’s Government Procurement Mechanism Source: Journal of Guangdong Institute of Public Administration, Vol. 14 No. 5 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 5 Author(s): Xue Li Keywords: China, government, law, WTO, government procurement Abstract: China’s entry into the WTO has brought profound changes on the environment of economic development, […]
On Principle of Transparency of WTO and Improvement of Our Administrative Openness System
ID: TARP-321 Title: On Principle of Transparency of WTO and Improvement of Our Administrative Openness System Source: Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law, Vol. 17, No. 4 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 6 Author(s): Ling Zhou, Genqing Chen Keywords: China, legislation, trade, transparency, WTO, administrative law, administrative openness, TPRM […]
Influence of Joining WTO on China’s Foreign-capital Law
ID: TARP-301 Title: Influence of Joining WTO on China’s Foreign-capital Law Source: Journal of Jinzhou Teachers College, Vol. 24 No. 5 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 1 Author(s): Hongyu Zhang Keywords: China, foreign investment, international, law, legal change, transparency, WTO, foreign capital Abstract: In March 2001, Law of the People’s Republic of China […]
Summarization of International Workshop on “WTO & Reforms of Chinese Administrative Law”
ID: TARP-300 Title: Summarization of International Workshop on “WTO & Reforms of Chinese Administrative Law” Source: China Legal Science, No. 5 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 5 Author(s): Gangling Xue Keywords: China, France, government, transparency, UK, US, WTO, administrative law Abstract: International Workshop on “WTO & Reforms of Chinese Administrative Law” was held […]
Problems Faced by China’s Economic and Trade development after Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-298 Title: Problems Faced by China’s Economic and Trade development after Entry into the WTO Source: Journal of Inner Mongolia Television University, No. 01 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 4 Author(s): Baolin Lu Keywords: China, WTO Abstract: This paper analyzes the positive and negative impacts on China after China entered into the […]
Entry into the WTO and Improvement of Labor Legislation
ID: TARP-295 Title: Entry into the WTO and Improvement of Labor Legislation Source: Guangxi Social Science, No. 1, Cumulatively No. 91 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 1 Author(s): Caihong Cui Keywords: China, legislation, WTO Abstract: The entry into the WTO has profound influences on Chinese politics, economy, culture and society. As a necessary […]
Influences of entry into the WTO on China’s Legislation of Foreign-capital
ID: TARP-294 Title: Influences of entry into the WTO on China’s Legislation of Foreign-capital Source: Contemporary Law Science, No. 1, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 7 Author(s): Li Zhu Keywords: China, foreign investment, legislation, transparency, WTO Abstract: This paper analyzes the influences of entry into the WTO on China’s legislation of foreign-capital […]
Establish the System of Administrative Openness Corresponding to the Principle of Transparency under the WTO
ID: TARP-318 Title: Establish the System of Administrative Openness Corresponding to the Principle of Transparency under the WTO Source: Exploration, No. 4 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 8 Author(s): Min Jian Keywords: China, transparency, WTO, administrative openness Abstract: One of requirements of the principle of transparency under the WTO is administrative openness while […]
On Boosting Rule of Administrative Law After China’s Accession to the WTO
ID: TARP-317 Title: On Boosting Rule of Administrative Law After China’s Accession to the WTO Source: Administration and Law, No. 08 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 5 Author(s): Guoqing Yi, Zhanwen Song Keywords: China, enterprise, government, law, regulation, transparency, WTO, administrative law Abstract: The challenge brought by China’s the accession to the WTO […]
WTO and Establishment of Rule of Administrative Law
ID: TARP-287 Title: WTO and Establishment of Rule of Administrative Law Source: Lilun Qianyan (Theory Frontier), No. 01, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Guoliang Huang Keywords: China, legal procedures, legislation, market economy, rule of law, WTO, administrative law Abstract: This article analyzes the main problems with China’s current establishment of […]
On Legal Characteristics and Nature of WTO Rules
ID: TARP-286 Title: On Legal Characteristics and Nature of WTO Rules Source: Fujian Jingji Guanli Ganbu Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Fujian Cadres Institute of Economic Management), No. 01, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Honghua Huang Keywords: China, law, legal, WTO Abstract: WTO can be studied from different perspectives. This article […]
National Legal Reconstruction in Accordance with International Norms: GATT/WTO and China’s Foreign Trade Reform
ID: TARP-157 Title: National Legal Reconstruction in Accordance with International Norms: GATT/WTO and China’s Foreign Trade Reform Source: 4 Ind. J. Global Leg. Stud. 471 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1997 Pages: 0 Author(s): Thomas Yunlong Man Keywords: China, foreign trade, GATT, globalization, influence, international, international law, international norms, law, legislation, market economy, […]
Issues on Legislative Environment and Establishment of Legal System of Government After China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-285 Title: Issues on Legislative Environment and Establishment of Legal System of Government After China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Fujian Jingji Guanli Ganbu Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Fujian Cadres Institute of Economic Management), No. 01, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xunjing Chen Keywords: China, government, legal system, legislation, […]
Entry into the WTO and Transformation of Government Mechanism
ID: TARP-283 Title: Entry into the WTO and Transformation of Government Mechanism Source: Lu Xing Jing Yuan Xuebao (Administrative and Economic Institution of Shandong province), No. 01, 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Zhiming Yu Keywords: China, government, market economy, WTO Abstract: China’s entry into the WTO will have all-around influences […]
On Challenges of WTO Rules to Managerial System of Chinese Government
ID: TARP-276 Title: On Challenges of WTO Rules to Managerial System of Chinese Government Source: Lu Xing Jing Yuan Xuebao (Administrative and Economic Institution of Shandong province), No. 01, 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Li Chen Keywords: China, development, enterprise, governance, government, property, reform, rule of law, WTO, market access, […]
Reforms of Chinese Foreign-capital Legislations after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-264 Title: Reforms of Chinese Foreign-capital Legislations after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Daxian Shifan Gaodeng Zhuanke Xuexiao Xuebao-Shehui Kexue Ban (Journal of Daxian Teachers College-Social Science Edition), Vol. 12, No. 1, Mar. 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Shicheng Rao Keywords: China, legal system, monopoly, reform, WTO, foreign […]
Challenges Faced by State-owned Commercial Banks After China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-242 Title: Challenges Faced by State-owned Commercial Banks After China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Source: Rural Finance Research, No.6 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Hengbao Liu Keywords: China, state-owned, WTO, countermeasure, foreign capital, finance, commercial banks Abstract: This article introduces the finance-related contents under the WTO. After China […]
Powerful Government — the Rational Choice for Chinese Government after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-240 Title: Powerful Government — the Rational Choice for Chinese Government after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Lu Xing Jing Yuan Xuebao (Journal of Shangdong Administrations & Economics Institute), No. 06, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Guofeng Zhang Keywords: China, enforcement, enterprise, government, law, legal system, legislation, WTO, […]
Redefinition of Governmental Functions after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-239 Title: Redefinition of Governmental Functions after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Lu Xing Jing Yuan Xuebao (Journal of Shangdong Administrations & Economics Institute), No. 06, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Mingyan Tan, Jianjun Tan Keywords: China, globalization, government, market economy, reform, WTO Abstract: Entry into the WTO […]
On China’s Entry into the WTO and Advancing Legal Progress in Enterprises
ID: TARP-267 Title: On China’s Entry into the WTO and Advancing Legal Progress in Enterprises Source: Gui Hai Luncong (Gui Hai Tribune), Vol. 18, No. 1, Feb. 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Huaxiang Gu Keywords: China, enterprise, international trade, legal system, trade, WTO Abstract: China has entered into the WTO. […]
China’s Policy towards the WTO Dispute Settlement Body
ID: TARP-244 Title: China’s Policy towards the WTO Dispute Settlement Body Source: Zhongguo Ruan Kexue (Soft Science of China), Nov. 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Minyou Yu Keywords: China, dispute resolution, dispute settlement, rule of law, trade, WTO, countermeasure Abstract: This article specifies that China should seek to establish the […]
Influences on Chinese Economy after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-241 Title: Influences on Chinese Economy after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: WTO & Chinese Economy Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 0 Pages: 0 Author(s): Yanfen Liang Keywords: China, duty, financing, import, intellectual property, quota, services, trade, WTO, countermeasure, foreign capital, finance, insurance Abstract: This article discusses the influences brought by the WTO […]
Transparent Government and Transparent Administration
ID: TARP-315 Title: Transparent Government and Transparent Administration Source: Administration for Industry and Commerce, No. 8 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 5 Author(s): Anwei Liu Keywords: China, government, transparency, WTO Abstract: In the paper, Prof. Ning Zhang talks about the principle of transparency under the WTO. The following topics are treated of: how […]
Joining WTO: Chinese Accounting Industry’s Trial and Countermeasures
ID: TARP-260 Title: Joining WTO: Chinese Accounting Industry’s Trial and Countermeasures Source: Chongqin Shangxueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Chongqin Institute of Commerce), No. 5, Sept. 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Qiang Xing, Dan He, Jian Hu Keywords: China, WTO, countermeasure, accounting Abstract: It is not a long time for China to […]
Chinese Law Shall Be Ready for China’s Accession to the WTO
ID: TARP-250 Title: Chinese Law Shall Be Ready for China’s Accession to the WTO Source: Zhengzhi yu Falv (Politics & Law), No. 06, 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Yaodong Yu Keywords: China, enterprise, government, law, WTO Abstract: WTO is a set of rules which can be used only after it […]
Legal Issues on China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-249 Title: Legal Issues on China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Faxue (Law Science), No. 12, 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jianming Cao Keywords: China, law, legal procedures, legal system, Taiwan, WTO Abstract: This article analyzes the rights and obligations of China after China enters into the WTO and […]
Changes of governmental Functions since China’s Entry into the WTO
D: TARP-238 Title: Changes of governmental Functions since China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Lu Xing Jing Yuan Xuebao (Journal of Shangdong Administrations & Economics Institute), No. 06, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Guangqin Cao Keywords: China, government, reform, WTO, justice Abstract: After China’s entry into the WTO, Chinese government […]
Influences of China’s Accession to the WTO on the Further Reform of Market Economy System
ID: TARP-235 Title: Influences of China’s Accession to the WTO on the Further Reform of Market Economy System Source: Yunnan Daxue Renwen Shehui Kexue Xuebao (Yunnan University’s Journal of Social Sciences), No, 6, 2000, Vol. 26 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Ming Cao Keywords: China, enterprise, legal system, market economy, trade, […]
The Development of Real Estate After China Enters into the WTO
ID: TARP-237 Title: The Development of Real Estate After China Enters into the WTO Source: Xian Jianzhu Keji Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Xi’an University of Arch. & Tech.), No. 04, 2000, Vol. 31 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xiaolin Tang Keywords: China, enterprise, real estate, services, WTO, countermeasure Abstract: On the […]
Dispute Resolution Mechanism under the WTO and China’s Entry into the WTO: Challenges and Opportunities
ID: TARP-234 Title: Dispute Resolution Mechanism under the WTO and China’s Entry into the WTO: Challenges and Opportunities Source: Guowai Shehui Kexue (Social Science of Foreign Countries), No. 6, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Minyou Yu Keywords: China, dispute resolution, dispute settlement, legal system, trade, WTO Abstract: This article analyzes […]
Impacts on China’s Commerce after China’s Entry into the WTO and Strategies thereof
ID: TARP-232 Title: Impacts on China’s Commerce after China’s Entry into the WTO and Strategies thereof Source: Shangye Yanjiu (Commercial Research), Dec. 2000, cumulatively No. 224 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Qingjun Cao Keywords: China, commerce, development, enterprise, government, reform, WTO Abstract: Since China entered into the WTO, it is beneficial […]
The influence of Market Access on Chinese Legal Service Industry and Appropriate Measures
ID: TARP-231 Title: The influence of Market Access on Chinese Legal Service Industry and Appropriate Measures Source: Xiandai Faxue (Modern Law Science), Vol. 24, No. 6, Dec. 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Tiansen Han Keywords: China, development, market economy, reform, services, trade, WTO, GATS, service industry, market access Abstract: It […]
The WTO Principles and Credit Construction of Chinese Government
ID: TARP-230 Title: The WTO Principles and Credit Construction of Chinese Government Source: Mingjiang Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Mingjiang University), No. 1, Vol. 23, Oct. 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Hengfeng Zheng Keywords: China, government, trade, WTO, credit Abstract: What WTO advocate is credit economy. But nowadays our Chinese government’s […]
On Trade Liberalization of Financial Service under the WTO and China’s Strategies
D: TARP-229 Title: On Trade Liberalization of Financial Service under the WTO and China’s Strategies Source: Weijiang Liu, Xiandai Jingji Kexue (Modern Economic Science), No. 6, Vol. 21, Nov. 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Binkui Zhu Keywords: China, developing countries, financing, reform, trade, WTO, financial services, finance Abstract: Liberalization and […]
Discussion Made by the Legal Experts from China and Germany about China’s Market, Government and Law after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-228 Title: Discussion Made by the Legal Experts from China and Germany about China’s Market, Government and Law after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Deguo Yanjiu (Studies of Germany), No. 4, Vol. 17, 2002, Cumulatively, No. 64 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Lingjun Cao Keywords: China, Germany, government, law, […]
WTO Guize he Woguo Wai Jingmao Fazhi Bijiao (WTO Rules and China’s Legal System of Foreign Economy& Trade)
ID: TARP-227 Title: WTO Guize he Woguo Wai Jingmao Fazhi Bijiao (WTO Rules and China’s Legal System of Foreign Economy& Trade) Source: Guoji Shangwu Yanjiu (International Commerce Studies), No. 3, 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jianlin Ni Keywords: China, law, legal system, legislation, regulation, trade, TRIPS, WTO, GATS, TRIMs, economic […]
WTO and Reforms of Rules of Administrative Law
ID: TARP-222 Title: WTO and Reforms of Rules of Administrative Law Source: Law Forum, No. 1, 2002, at pp 26 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jiejun Yang Keywords: China, enforcement, implementation, judicial review, jurisprudence, legal system, legislation, reform, regulation, rule of law, trade, transparency, WTO, administrative law Abstract: WTO rules and […]
Requirements Imposed by the Transparency Principle on the WTO Member Countries
ID: TARP-220 Title: Requirements Imposed by the Transparency Principle on the WTO Member Countries Source: Law Science of Hebei Province, No. 02, 2001 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2001 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jie Fang, Guohua Yang Keywords: China, compliance, GATT, regulation, transparency, TRIPS, WTO, GATS, TPRM (Trade Policies Review Mechanism) Abstract: This article spells out […]
Transparency principle under the WTO and Its Application
ID: TARP-219 Title: Transparency principle under the WTO and Its Application Source: Law Science of Hebei Province, No. 06, 2000 at pp 54 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Dongyang Zhang Keywords: China, decision making, enterprise, legislation, regulation, transparency, WTO Abstract: The article sets out the legal obligations imposed by the transparency […]
Thoughts on Chinese Service Industry Opening to the Outside World
ID: TARP-215 Title: Thoughts on Chinese Service Industry Opening to the Outside World Source: Journal of Finance & Economy College of Inner Mongolia, No.01, 1998 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1998 Pages: 0 Author(s): Renwu Tang, Jian Ren Keywords: China, developing countries, national treatment, services, trade, transparency, WTO, foreign capital, service industry, market access Abstract: […]
Chinese Income Tax Reforms Subject to the WTO Principles
ID: TARP-213 Title: Chinese Income Tax Reforms Subject to the WTO Principles Source: Tax and Economy, No.6 Nov. 15, 2000, Serial No. 113 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Hanping Liu, Cheng Zhang, Tao Wu Keywords: China, income tax, national treatment, reform, trade, transparency, WTO, market access Abstract: As the reform and […]
How Should China’s Tax Revenue Face the China’s Entry into the WTO?
ID: TARP-209 Title: How Should China’s Tax Revenue Face the China’s Entry into the WTO? Source: Journal of Hunan Higher Tax College, No.13, September 2000, Cumulatively, Vol.53 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Yongqing Xie Keywords: China, duty, investment, tax, transparency, value-added tax, WTO, tax law, market access Abstract: After China’s entry […]
China’s Entry into the WTO and Adjustment of Chinese Government
ID: TARP-207 Title: China’s Entry into the WTO and Adjustment of Chinese Government Source: Jiangxi Social Science, No.01, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Honglei Jin, Shoukuan Wang Keywords: China, government, legal system, trade, transparency, WTO, informationization Abstract: Since China’s entry into the WTO, it is the Chinese government that faces […]
Issues on Fundamental Principles under the GATS & China’s Telecom Openness
ID: TARP-203 Title: Issues on Fundamental Principles under the GATS & China’s Telecom Openness Source: Telecom Research, No. 04, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Buwen Gao Keywords: China, development, regulation, trade, transparency, WTO, GATS, market access, MFN (Most Favored Nation), Telecom industry Abstract: This article, from the perspective of MFN […]
One-sideness of WTO Regulations and the Challenges to China
ID: TARP-201 Title: One-sideness of WTO Regulations and the Challenges to China Source: Beijing Normal University – Humanities and Social Sciences, No.01, 2000, Cumulatively vol. 157 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Renwu Tang Keywords: China, developing countries, development, employment, globalization, speculation, transparency, US, USA, WTO Abstract: If China takes part into […]
Thoughts on Information Disclosure by Financial Institutions
ID: TARP-202 Title: Thoughts on Information Disclosure by Financial Institutions Source: Fujian Institute of Financial Administrations, No. 01, 2002, Cumulatively vol. 66 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jianxin Yang Keywords: China, legislation, supervision, trade, transparency, WTO, financial institutions, finance, information disclosure Abstract: At present, the financial institutions in China have quite […]
WTO Transparency: Inherent Values and Guarantee Mechanism
ID: TARP-194 Title: WTO Transparency: Inherent Values and Guarantee Mechanism Source: Law Science, No. 01, 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xiaoyao Xie Keywords: China, culture, legal system, trade, transparency, WTO Abstract: Transparency is one of the fundamental principles under the WTO. It has inherent values on the economy and multilateral […]
Legal Analysis of Strengthening the Transparency since China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-193 Title: Legal Analysis of Strengthening the Transparency since China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Economy in Southern China, No. 03, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Lixia Long Keywords: China, implementation, judicial review, legal reform, legal system, national treatment, supervision, trade, transparency, WTO, administrative law, judicial justice, MFN (Most […]
Implement Mechanism of the WTO rules: a Review at Domestic Level
ID: TARP-191 Title: Implement Mechanism of the WTO rules: a Review at Domestic Level Source: Journal of Foreign Affairs College, No.2, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Guoqing Jiang Keywords: China, enforcement, implementation, law, legal system, trade, transparency, WTO, TRIMs Abstract: WTO agreements constitute a big legal system, which includes by […]
WTO Judicial Rules and China’s Judicial Reform
ID: TARP-192 Title: WTO Judicial Rules and China’s Judicial Reform Source: Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Hainan University, No.1, March 2002, Vol 20 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Shigui Tan, Lin Wang Keywords: China, judicial review, legal reform, legal system, transparency, WTO, judicial rules, judicial independence, judicial investigation, judicial reform […]
Uniform Law on Foreign-capital in China and Transparency
ID: TARP-190 Title: Uniform Law on Foreign-capital in China and Transparency Source: Guangxi Social Sciences, No.3, 2002, Cumulatively, No. 87 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Bin Chen Keywords: China, foreign investment, legal reform, trade, transparency, WTO, foreign capital Abstract: China has entered into the WTO. As a WTO member, China is […]
WTO & Judicial Reform in China
ID: TARP-189 Title: WTO & Judicial Reform in China Source: Guangxi Social Science, No. 3, 2001, Cumulatively, No. 87 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xianhua Wu Keywords: China, judicial review, legal reform, trade, transparency, WTO, legal culture Abstract: The WTO sets strict demands on China’s judicial system. China shall adapt to […]
The Principle of Transparent Policy under the WTO and Its Application
ID: TARP-195 Title: The Principle of Transparent Policy under the WTO and Its Application Source: Law Science of Hebei Province, No. 06, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Dongyang Zhang Keywords: China, decision making, international trade, legal system, trade, transparency, WTO Abstract: Transparent policy is one of the fundamental principles under […]
Challenges of the WTO and Legal Countermeasures of China
ID: TARP-304 Title: Challenges of the WTO and Legal Countermeasures of China Source: Journal of Shangdong Administration and Economics Institution, No. 2 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 4 Author(s): Baolin Sun Keywords: China, globalization, legal, WTO Abstract: After China’s accession to the WTO, it has begun to integrate into the process of economic […]
Entry into the WTO and Government Informationization
ID: TARP-188 Title: Entry into the WTO and Government Informationization Source: Administration and Law, No. 6, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jie Fei Keywords: China, government, trade, transparency, WTO, informationization Abstract: China shall quicken the establishment of government informationization so as to adapt to the requirements of transparency, the principle […]
Rebuid the Legal System of China’s Foreign-Capital: One of Important Topics after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-187 Title: Rebuid the Legal System of China’s Foreign-Capital: One of Important Topics after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Modern Economic Research, No. 4, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Zongzhang Chen Keywords: China, foreign enterprise, investment, legal system, legislation, trade, transparency, WTO, foreign capital, Foreign-Capital Law Abstract: China’s […]
Challenges to China’s Foreign-Capital Legislation and Countermeasures thereof After China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-186 Title: Challenges to China’s Foreign-Capital Legislation and Countermeasures thereof After China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Journal of Guangxi University – Philosophy and Social Science, No.3, June 2002. Cumulatively Vol.24 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Shubin Wen Keywords: China, legal system, legislation, trade, transparency, WTO, countermeasure, foreign capital, TRIMs, […]
Ming, Huang, a Representative in People’s Congress: Anti-Dumping Attributes to Some Reasons, and “the Bad Horse in the Group” Should be Punished
ID: TARP-005 Title: Ming, Huang, a Representative in People’s Congress: Anti-Dumping Attributes to Some Reasons, and “the Bad Horse in the Group” Should be Punished Source: China Economy Times (zhongguo jingji shibao), republished by Xinhua Net Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: China, dumping, enforcement, evidence, intellectual property, investment, jurisdiction, national […]
China’s Accession to WTO and the Application of Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy Rules
ID: TARP-004 Title: China’s Accession to WTO and the Application of Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy Rules Source: Peking University Law Weekly, vol 3, no 2, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Dexiu Shang Keywords: China, dumping, enforcement, evidence, intellectual property, investment, jurisdiction, national treatment, rule of law, subsidies, trade, transparency, WTO Abstract: […]
Transformation of governmental functions after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-274 Title: Transformation of governmental functions after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Lanzhou Xuekan (Journal of Lanzhou), No. 1, 2003, General No. 130 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Ruihua Wang Keywords: China, government, reform, trade, WTO Abstract: After China’s entry into the WTO, the environment of governmental management of […]
China and the WTO: the Transparency Issue
ID: ITIT-001 Title: China and the WTO: the Transparency Issue Source: UCLA J. Int’l L. & For. AFF.1 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1998 Pages: 22 Author(s): Sylvia Ostry Keywords: China, GATT, judicial review, law, reform, regulation, rule of law, trade, trading system, transparency, WTO Abstract: This article will briefly review the growing legalization of […]
Definition of Government Functions After China’s Entry into the WTO and the Countermeasures
ID: TARP-271 Title: Definition of Government Functions After China’s Entry into the WTO and the Countermeasures Source: Xingzheng yu Fa (Administration and Law), No. 02, 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jiaming Xu Keywords: China, governance, government, law, WTO, countermeasure Abstract: The WTO requires that if there is conflict between its […]
Entry into the WTO and Improvement of China’s Public Policy-made System
ID: TARP-272 Title: Entry into the WTO and Improvement of China’s Public Policy-made System Source: Xingzheng yu Fa (Administration and Law), No. 01, 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Kejin Zhang Keywords: China, WTO, ideology, public policy Abstract: After China’s entry into the WTO, the problems with China’s policy-making system would […]
New move of Legislation of Chinese Administrative Law after China’s Accession to the WTO
ID: TARP-316 Title: New move of Legislation of Chinese Administrative Law after China’s Accession to the WTO Source: Administration and Law, No. 08 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 7 Author(s): Shudi Zhu, Jie Zhang Keywords: China, legislation, trade, WTO, countermeasure, administrative law Abstract: As a member of the WTO, China shall fulfill the […]
Rules of WTO and Reforms of Foreign-capital Legislation
ID: TARP-199 Title: Rules of WTO and Reforms of Foreign-capital Legislation Source: Legal Science, No. 4, 2000, Cumulatively, Vol. 104 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Sun Liu Keywords: China, investment, legislation, national treatment, transparency, WTO, foreign capital, market access, Foreign-Capital Law Abstract: Due to the liberalization of the WTO multilateral agreement, […]
Legislation of Administrative Procedural law and WTO Rules
ID: TARP-312 Title: Legislation of Administrative Procedural law and WTO Rules Source: Tribune of Political Science and Law, Vol. 20, No. 1 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 7 Author(s): Yin Yang Keywords: China, law, legislation, transparency, WTO Abstract: Analysis has been done on the basic subject of three rules in the framework of […]
Canada – Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft – AB-1999-2
ID: TARP-085 Title: Canada – Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft – AB-1999-2 Source:, Parties: Complaint: Brazil; Respondent: Canada Dispute Resolution Organ: Appellate Body of the WTO Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, EDC, export, SCM agreement, subsidies, trade, WTO Abstract: The panel found that the TPC and Canada Account […]
Citizen involvement in Canadian foreign policy: the summit of the Americas experience 2001
ID: HARP-340 Title: Citizen involvement in Canadian foreign policy: the summit of the Americas experience 2001 Source: International Journal , v.57(3) Summ’02 pg 323-339 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, decision making, democracy, globalization, government, human rights, Quebec, World Trade Organization (WTO), institutions, politics, civil and political rights, security, International […]
Cross-border travel in North America: the challenge of US Section 110 legislation
ID: HARP-415 Title: Cross-border travel in North America: the challenge of US Section 110 legislation Source: Canadian-American Public Policy , (40) O’99 pg 1-70 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, economic, social, and cultural rights, employment, Foreign Direct Investment, foreign investment, free trade, globalization, human rights, labor management, movement and […]
Canadian Borders and Immigration Post 9/11
ID: HARP-302 Title: Canadian Borders and Immigration Post 9/11 Source: International Migration Review, 2002, 36, 1(137), spring, 15-28 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, human rights, immigration law, United States, US, World Trade Organization (WTO), refugee, immigration, media Abstract: This article focuses on the effects of the World Trade Center […]
Probing the after-myth of Seattle: Canadian public opinion on international trade, 1980-2000
ID: HARP-200 Title: Probing the after-myth of Seattle: Canadian public opinion on international trade, 1980-2000 Source: International Journal , v.56(2) Spr’01 pg 234-260 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2001 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, globalization, trade, World Trade Organization (WTO), institutions, politics, civil and political rights, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Abstract: In this […]
United States – Preliminary Determinations with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada – Report of the Panel
ID: TARP-077 Title: United States – Preliminary Determinations with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada – Report of the Panel Source:, Parties: Complaint: Canada; Respondent: United States Dispute Resolution Organ: WTO Panel Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, countervailing duties, export subsidies, import, lumber, softwood, subsidies, trade, US, WTO Abstract: The […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Textiles and Clothing
ID: ITIT-018 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Textiles and Clothing Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 56 Author(s): Munir Ahmad Keywords: ATC disputes, clothing, dispute settlement, international trade, textiles, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module gives an overview of the ATC, its main provisions, and how these have […]
European Communities – measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products
ID: TARP-079 Title: Eropean Communities – measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products Source:, Parties: complaint: Canada; Respondent: European Communities Dispute Resolution Organ: Appelate Body of the WTO Year: 2001 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: asbestos, Canada, European Communities, GATT, trade, WTO Abstract: The Panel determined that although the order prohibiting asbestos in France […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Appellate Review
ID: ITIT-007 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Appellate Review Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 41 Author(s): Petina Gappah Keywords: appellate body, appellate review, developing countries, dispute settlement, trade, WTO Abstract: The first Section of this Module concerns the establishment and composition of the Appellate Body, the […]
The Precedent Setters: De Facto Stare Decisis in WTO Adjudication (Part Two of a Trilogy)
ID: TARP-151 Title: The Precedent Setters: De Facto Stare Decisis in WTO Adjudication (Part Two of a Trilogy) Source: 9 J. Transnat’l L. & Pol’y l Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 89 Author(s): Raj Bhala Keywords: adjudication, appellate body, common law, GATT, international law, stare decisis, trade, WTO Abstract: In identifying […]
UNCTAD – WTO -Anti-Dumping Measures
ID: ITIT-020 Title: UNCTAD – WTO -Anti-Dumping Measures Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 61 Author(s): Edwin Vermulst Keywords: anti-dumping, dispute settlement, dumped imports, dumping, injury, national procedures, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module gives an overview of the provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, and how these provisions have been […]
The First Anti-Dumping Case between China and the US after China’s Entry into the WTO: How To Win The “Zero Injury”
ID: TARP-163 Title: The First Anti-Dumping Case between China and the US after China’s Entry into the WTO: How To Win The “Zero Injury” Source: Xinhua Net, April 17 2003 Parties: The American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA) vs. the Chinese bearing exporters Dispute Resolution Organ: the US International Trade Commission (USITC) Year: 2003 Pages: […]
The First Step After Entering The WTO: Learning to Fight the “Foreign Law Suit”— Some Thoughts after the Loss of Chinese China in the Indian Anti-Dumping Charge
ID: TARP-160 Title: The First Step After Entering The WTO: Learning to Fight the “Foreign Law Suit”— Some Thoughts after the Loss of Chinese China in the Indian Anti-Dumping Charge Source: China Building Materials, 2002, no 4 Parties: India vs. china imported from China Dispute Resolution Organ: Indian administrative organ Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): […]
Antidumping Agreement (AD) and Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM): The WTO Antidumping and Subsidies Agreement: Did the US Achieve Its Objectives During the Uruguay Round
ID: TARP-156 Title: Antidumping Agreement (AD) and Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM): The WTO Antidumping and Subsidies Agreement: Did the US Achieve Its Objectives During the Uruguay Round Source: 3 l Law & Pol’y Int’l Bus. 871 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Paul C. Rosenthal, Robert T.C. Vermylen Keywords: […]
Utilizing WTO Mechanism to Reform China’s Monopoly Industry
ID: TARP-246 Title: Utilizing WTO Mechanism to Reform China’s Monopoly Industry Source: Duiwai Jingmao Shiwu (Foreign Economy & Trade), Sept., 1999 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Zhan Wu Keywords: agriculture, automobile, China, monopoly, reform, services, textiles, trade, WTO, financial services, service industry Abstract: This article analyzes the formation and characteristics of […]
UNCTAD – WTO – SPS Measures
ID: ITIT-022 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – SPS Measures Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 0 Pages: 63 Author(s): Denise Prevost Keywords: agreement, discrimination, dispute settlement, GATT, international trade, sanitary, SPS measures, TBT agreement, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module provides an overview of the substantive and procedural disciplines contained in the […]
A Critical Analysis of China’s First Regulation on Foreign Dumping and Subsidies and Its Consistancy with WTO Agreements
ID: TARP-159 Title: A Critical Analysis of China’s First Regulation on Foreign Dumping and Subsidies and Its Consistancy with WTO Agreements Source: 15 Berkeley J. Int;l L. 295 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1997 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jianming Shen Keywords: agreement, China, consistency, dumping, duty, foreign dumping, foreign trade, legislation, regulation, subsidies, WTO Abstract: “The […]
Codification of Administrative Procedural Law In the Context of the WTO
ID: TARP-305 Title: Codification of Administrative Procedural Law In the Context of the WTO Source: Journal of Shanxi Finance and Economics University, Vol. 24 Supplement Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 5 Author(s): Mingxian An Keywords: administrative acts, China, law, legal system, trade, WTO Abstract: China’s accession to the WTO must have profound influence […]
WTO and Expansion of Fundamental Principles of China’s Administrative Procedural Law
ID: TARP-223 Title: WTO and Expansion of Fundamental Principles of China’s Administrative Procedural Law Source: Law Science Magzine, No.06 2002, at pp 22 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jiangang Qi Keywords: administrative acts, China, law, rule of law, trade, WTO, Administrative Procedural Law Abstract: To adapt to the requirements of the […]
Impacts on Establishment of China’s Rule of Administrative Law
ID: TARP-221 Title: Impacts on Establishment of China’s Rule of Administrative Law Source: China Legal Science, No. 1, 2001, at pp 11 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2001 Pages: 0 Author(s): Youqi Shi Keywords: administrative acts, China, constitution, judicial review, jurisprudence, rule of law, trade, WTO, administrative law Abstract: This article discusses the influences brought […]
Challenges to the China’s Tax Revenue Law and Countermeasures thereof Since China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-208 Title: Challenges to the China’s Tax Revenue Law and Countermeasures thereof Since China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Contemporary Finance and Economics, No.1, 2003, Serial No. 218 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Guangren Zhou Keywords: administrative acts, China, compliance, enforcement, legal system, non-discrimination, tax, transparency, WTO, countermeasure, tax law, […]
Accession to the WTO and the reforms of China’s Administrative Law
ID: TARP-313 Title: Accession to the WTO and the reforms of China’s Administrative Law Source: Theory Observation, No. 2, General No. 14 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jiangan Zhang, Junlong Nie Keywords: administration, China, government, regulation, WTO, administrative law Abstract: Rules of the WTO are mostly in terms of administration. They […]
WTO Rules and Rule of Administrative Law of Chinese government
ID: TARP-306 Title: WTO Rules and Rule of Administrative Law of Chinese government Source: Administration and Law, No. 4 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 8 Author(s): Caifa Song Keywords: administration, China, government, legal system, WTO, administrative law Abstract: Chinese government should, based on the requirements of WTO, quicken to establish and improve the […]
Accession to the WTO and Construction of Legal System of China
ID: TARP-303 Title: Accession to the WTO and Construction of Legal System of China Source: Contemporary Law Science, No. 3 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 1 Author(s): Xiaobo Shao Keywords: administration, China, enforcement, law, legal system, legislation, WTO Abstract: This paper introduces the institutional theory of law and the theoretical framework thereof. The […]
WTO and Institution Space of Chinese Administration
ID: TARP-281 Title: WTO and Institution Space of Chinese Administration Source: Chongqing Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Chongqing University-Social Science Edition), Vol. 8, No. 1, 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Miaoleng Chunyu, Yu Hu, Zhongrong Li Keywords: administration, China, legal system, WTO, institutions Abstract: The word of institution is […]
Analysis of WTO and Tendency of Reforms of Chinese Government: from the Perspective of New Public Administration
ID: TARP-280 Title: Analysis of WTO and Tendency of Reforms of Chinese Government: from the Perspective of New Public Administration Source: Lilun Tantao (Theoretical Discussion), No. 1, 2002, General No. 104 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Hui Luo, Xin Xie, Hengfu Ruan Keywords: administration, China, government, reform, WTO Abstract: […]
On China’s Administrative Openness
ID: TARP-277 Title: On China’s Administrative Openness Source: Zhongnan Minzu Daxue Xuebao (Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities –Humanities and Social Science), Vol. 23, Feb. 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Yongdan Yuan, Guanxuan Niu Keywords: administration, China, WTO, administrative openness Abstract: The system of Administrative openness is one […]
WTO, Market Economy and Innovation of Government Administration
ID: TARP-273 Title: WTO, Market Economy and Innovation of Government Administration Source: Shenyang Shifan Daxue Xuebao – Shehui Kexue Ban (Journal of Shenyang Normal University-Social Science Edition), No. 1, 2003, Vol. 27, General No. 115 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Qizhe Quan Keywords: administration, China, globalization, government, legal, market […]
Quicken the reforms of Administrative Approval System in Reply to the WTO
TARP-269 Title: Quicken the reforms of Administrative Approval System in Reply to the WTO Source: Xingzheng yu Fa (Administration & Law), No. 01, 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Li Wan, Xin Yi Keywords: administration, China, government, market economy, reform, WTO, institutions, Administrative Approval System Abstract: Since China’s […]
Influence of Entry into the WTO on Administrative Pattern of Chinese Government
TARP-268 Title: Influence of Entry into the WTO on Administrative Pattern of Chinese Government Source: Xibei Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Northwest University-Social Science Edition), Vol. 32, No. 1, Feb. 2002 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Zhongming Liang Keywords: administration, China, government, legal system, WTO, ideology Abstract: WTO has […]
Countermeasures of Chinese Government after China’s Entry into the WTO
ID: TARP-263 Title: Countermeasures of Chinese Government after China’s Entry into the WTO Source: Qi Qi Har Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Qiqihar University), Jan. 2003 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Xia Bi, Jianjun Bao Keywords: administration, China, globalization, government, law, legal reform, regulation, rule of law, services, WTO, countermeasure […]
Transparency Principle under the WTO and the Improvement of China’s Administrative Openness System
ID: TARP-218 Title: Transparency Principle under the WTO and the Improvement of China’s Administrative Openness System Source: Journal of Guangxi Politico-Legality Management Cadre Institute, No. 4, 2002, at pp 102 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Ling Zhou Keywords: administration, China, law, legislation, rule of law, transparency, WTO, TRIMs Abstract: […]
The Power of the Last: Towards de jure Stare Decisis in WTO Adjudication (Part Three of a Trilogy)
ID: TARP-152 Title: The Power of the Last: Towards de jure Stare Decisis in WTO Adjudication (Part Three of a Trilogy) Source: 33 Geo. Wash. Int’l L. Rev. 873 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2001 Pages: 0 Author(s): Raj Bhala Keywords: adjudication, appellate body, constitutional legal theory, international trade, jurisprudence, law, legal history, stare decisis, […]
National Treatment in Foreign Investment Law: A Comparative Study from a Chinese Perspective
ID: TARP-158 Title: National Treatment in Foreign Investment Law: A Comparative Study from a Chinese Perspective Source: 10 Touro Int’l L. Rev. 39 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jian Zhou Keywords: accountability, China, comparative advantage, FDI, foreign investment, investment, law, legal system, national treatment, planned economy, socialist market economy, […]
Democratizing the WTO
ID: TARP-154 Title: Democratizing the WTO Source: 33 Geo. Wash. Int’l L. Rev. 451 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2001 Pages: 0 Author(s): Jeffery Atik Keywords: accountability, appellate body, democracy, democratic deficit, EU, free trade, legitimacy, membership, parliament, structual weaknesses, WTO, supra-nationalism, judicial lawmaking, political capture, United Nations Abstract: WTO faces a legitimacy […]
Application of Law of Foreign-investment Enterprises under the WTO Framework
ID: TARP-320 Title: Application of Law of Foreign-investment Enterprises under the WTO Framework Source: Study on International Economy, No. 5 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 8 Author(s): Xiaoping Sun Keywords: economy accession, accession, China, foreign direct investment, law, WTO Abstract: Accession to the WTO brings opportunities to the development of Chinese […]
Accession to the WTO and Transformation of Local Administrative Pattern
ID: TARP-319 Title: Accession to the WTO and Transformation of Local Administrative Pattern Source: Chinese Public Administration), No. 9 (serial No. 207) Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 5 Author(s): Degang Luo Keywords: economy accession, accession, China, governance, government, WTO Abstract: After China’s accession to the WTO, the government patterns shall be […]
Establish a Government by Rule of Law Adaptable to the Requirements of the WTO
ID: TARP-314 Title: Establish a Government by Rule of Law Adaptable to the Requirements of the WTO Source: Journal of Shanxi College for Youth Administrators, Vol. 15, No. 2 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 1 Author(s): Jianyu Cui, Youshan Zheng Keywords: economy accession, accession, administration, China, government, judicial review, rule of […]
Legal Thoughts on Establishment of Economic Law After China’s Accession to the WTO
ID: TARP-311 Title: Legal Thoughts on Establishment of Economic Law After China’s Accession to the WTO Source: Journal of the Party School of CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee, Vol. 24, No. 1 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 9 Author(s): Huaxiang Gu Keywords: economy accession, accession, China, international trade, law, legal system, market […]
WTO and Reforms of Chinese Administrative Law
ID: TARP-309 Title: WTO and Reforms of Chinese Administrative Law Source: Tribune of Political Science and Law), Vol. 20 No. 1 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 1 Author(s): Jiejun Yang Keywords: economy accession, accession, administration, government, law, legal system, trade, transparency, WTO Abstract: China’s accession to the WTO is to have […]