Trade, Poverty and Income Distribution: The Indonesian Experience
Universitas Indonesia
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
January 5, 2017
- Aris Ananta and Evi Arifin – The Right to Sight
- Richard Barichello and Faisal Harahap – Reducing Rural Poverty Through Trade? Evidence from Indonesia
- Arianto Patunru and Zachir Mahmud – Is Greater Openness to Trade Good? What are the Effects of Poverty and Inequality?
- Arianto Patunru and Santi Kusimaningrum – Inequality and Child Well-being in Indonesia
China and International Economic Law and Institutions
Center on Globalization, Law and Society
Irvine School of Law, University of California
Irvine, USA
February 2-3, 2017
- Ljiljana Biukovic – China’s Road to Prosperity and Development: Does One Belt Fit All
Fulbright Conference on Canada, the United States, and the New Trade Reality
University of Hawaii
Manoa, USA
February 22-24, 2017
- Lesley Jacobs – The Shifting Ground for Investor-State Dispute Settlement in International Economic Law
2nd Annual Global Summit: Responding to the Rise of Inward-looking Societies
Meridian 180 Global Forum
Brussels, Belgium
May 19-21, 2017
- Ljiljana Biukovic – Inward Looking Society and Global Trade
International Meeting on Law and Society
Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel & Resort
Mexico City, Mexico
June 20-23, 2017
- Sarah Biddulph – Book Introduction – Authors Meet Readers Session – The Stability Imperative: Human Rights and Law in China (UBC Press, 2015)
- Yoshitaka Wada – Book Introduction Session – Access to Health in Asia at the Era of Globalism (tentative title) Yoshitaka Wada, Ilan Valensky and Lesley Jacobs (eds.), (UBC Press, forthcoming, 2018).
- Sarah Biddulph – Has there Been a Retreat from rule of Law in Resolving Labour Disputes in China? in the “Labour Panel Low Wage Workers” panel
- Yoshitaka Wada (co-presenter) with Toshimi Momo Nakanishi – Healthcare Workers’ Perceptions of Apology, Judicial Function, Dialogue with Patients, and Patient Safety/Medical Quality in Case of a Medical Adverse Event
- Sarah Biddulph – Issues of Social Rights in the Chinese Constitution at the Plenary Session “The Mexican Constitution at 100” (20 June 2017)
2017 Indonesia Update: Indonesia in the New World: Globalisation, Nationalism and Sovereignty
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
September 15-16, 2017
- Conference co-convened by Arianto Patunru
The materials are now forthcoming in an edited book to be published by ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. Link:
7th World Forum on China Studies – China in the New Era
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Shanghai Municipal Information Office
Shanghai, China
December 10, 2017
- Sarah Biddulph – Good Governance and Administrative Justice in China in the session Rule of Law and the Construction of a Modern Legal System in China
Asian Law and Society Association – Equality, Social Justice and Law: New Challenges of the Transforming Asia
National Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu, Taiwan
December 15-16, 2017
- Sarah Biddulph
- Organised and chaired panel, Access to Justice for Precarious Workers in China and Vietnam
- Presented a paper Accessing Justice: Dispute Resolution in the Case of Precarious Workers in China
- Chaired roundtable discussion Opposing the Rule of Law