J.S.M. – Stanford University – 1972
LL.B. – (New Zealand) – 1968
Robert K. Paterson was admitted to the Bar of New Zealand in 1969 and the Bar of B.C. in 1981. Professor Paterson chaired the B.C. Task Force on International Commercial Arbitration (1986) and is co-author of International Trade and Investment Law in Canada (1994) and co-editor of UNCITRAL Model Law in Canada (1989). The conference proceedings were published as a special issue of the UBC Law Review (1995).
He is associate editor of the International Journal of Cultural Property and the Canadian representative on the Cultural Heritage Committee of the International Law Association. He is the author of numerous articles in the fields of Corporations, Securities Regulation, International Trade and Investment and Cultural Property. He is on the panel of arbitrators selected to hear appeals against trade relief measures under the NAFTA treaty.