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Bharat Ramaswami

Ph.D. – Economics – University of Minnesota – 1989
M.A. – Economics – Delhi School of Economics, India – 1985
B.A. – Economics – University of Delhi, India – 1980

Dr. Ramaswami is a Professor at the Planning Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. He has also held visiting appointments at universities in Canada, Sweden and the U.S.A.

He has researched issues in the economics of risk and insurance, commodity markets, food policy and technology supply in agriculture. His recent papers include analyses of area-yield crop insurance schemes (forthcoming, American Journal of Agricultural Economics), reform of food subsidies (forthcoming, Review of Development Economics), public intervention in food markets (Food Policy, 2002) and portfolio choice models with labour income (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2003). Currently, he is engaged in research on commodity futures markets, contract farming, regulation of biotechnology products and the impact of economic reforms on employment and poverty.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution

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