Ph.D. – Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Econometrics, University of Illinois, 2004
M.Sc. – Policy Economics, International Economics, University of Illinois, 2000
B.A. – Economics, University of Indonesia, 1997
Dr. Patunru is the Head of the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Department of Economics at the University of Indonesia (LPEM-FEUI) in Jakarta, Indonesia.
His main areas of interest include: International Trade, Development Economics, Public Policy, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics and Political Economy. His latest chapter Economic Valuation for the Environment (in Bahasa Indonesia) was published in Sustainable Development: The Role and Contributions of Emil Salim, eds., Iwan J. Aziz, Lydia M. Napitupulu, Arianto A. Patunru, and Budy P. Resosudarmo published by Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, Indonesia.