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Pitman Potter

Project Director

M.Div. – Vancouver School of Theology – 2008
Ph.D. (with Distinction) – Political Science – University of Washington – 1986
J.D. – Law – University of Washington – 1985
M.A.- Political Science – University of Washington – 1980
B.A. – Chinese Studies (History) – George Washington University – 1978

Dr. Potter is a Professor of Law at Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia (UBC). His teaching and research are focused on People’s Republic of China and Taiwan law and policy in the areas of foreign trade and investment, dispute resolution, intellectual property, contracts, business regulation, and human rights. Prior to taking his appointment at the Allard School of Law, Dr. Potter practiced law full-time during 1985-1990, including a three-year posting in Beijing. Dr. Potter is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

Dr. Potter serves on the Editorial Boards of several international scholarly journals including The China Quarterly, The Hong Kong Law Journal, and National Taiwan University Law Review. He has published several books, including most recently Local Engagement with International Economic Law and Human Rights (w/ Ljiljana Biukovic, Edward Elgar Publishing, May 2017), as well as numerous articles for such journals as Law & Social Inquiry, The China Quarterly, and the International Journal. In addition to his academic activities, Dr. Potter is admitted to the practice of law in British Columbia, Washington and California, and served as a consultant to the Canadian national law firm of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP. As a Chartered Arbitrator, Dr. Potter is engaged in international trade arbitration work involving China. He has served on the Boards of Directors of several public institutions, including formerly on the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada’s.

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Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution

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