Exploration on relationship between trade and human rights
ID: Title: Maoyi ziyouhua yu renquan cuoshi guanxi zhi shizheng faxue kaocha (Exploration on relationship between trade and human rights) Source: Hebei Faxue (Hebei Jurisprudence), No. 09, pp. 126 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2009 Pages: 0 Author(s): Liangcai Li Keywords: trade, human rights, GATT Abstract: This article explores how to coordinate the conflicts between […]
Human rights issues relating to international trade – from the perspective of the right to development
ID: Title: Guoji maoyi zhong de renquan wenti – yi fazhanquan wei shijiao (Human rights issues relating to international trade – from the perspective of the right to development) Source: Hebei Faxue (Hebei Jurisprudence), Vol. 5, pp. 137-141 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2009 Pages: 0 Author(s): Honggong Ma and Xianbo Li Keywords: labour rights, […]
The monism of trade and human rights based on fundamental rights: On E.U. Petersmann’s Theoretical Structure of the Relationship of Trade and Human Rights
ID: Title: Yi jiben quanli wei hexin de maoyi yu renquan yiyuanlun, ping Petersmann dui maoyi yu renquan guanxi de lilun jiangou (The monism of trade and human rights based on fundamental rights: On E.U. Petersmann’s Theoretical Structure of the Relationship of Trade and Human Rights) Source: Xiandai faxue (Modern Law Science), Vol. 31, No. […]
Action for non-compliance filed by the General Secretariat of the Andean Community against the Republic of Ecuador, for the alleged breach of articles 4 of the Agreement establishing the Court of Justice of the Andean Community, of article 77 of Cartagena Agreement, and the Resolution 897 of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community.
ID: Title: Action for non-compliance filed by the General Secretariat of the Andean Community against the Republic of Ecuador, for the alleged breach of articles 4 of the Agreement establishing the Court of Justice of the Andean Community, of article 77 of Cartagena Agreement, and the Resolution 897 of the General Secretariat of the Andean […]
Action for non-compliance filed by the societies Farmagro S.A., Bayer S.A., Basf Peruana S.A., Productos Químicos Peruanos S.A., Farmex, S.A., San Miguel Industrial S.A., Tecnología Química y Comercio, S.A., Servicios y Formulaciones Industriales S.A. and SYNGENTA CROP Protección S.A., against the Republic of Peru, for the alleged breach of articles 2, 3 and 4 of the agreement establishing the Court of Justice of the Andean Community; articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 22 of Decision 436 of the Commission of the Andean Community, and generalities and Section 2 of the Technical Handbook for the Register and Control of Chemical Pesticides for Agricultural Use, adopted by Resolution 630 of the General Secretariat.
ID: Title: Action for non-compliance filed by the societies Farmagro S.A., Bayer S.A., Basf Peruana S.A., Productos Químicos Peruanos S.A., Farmex, S.A., San Miguel Industrial S.A., Tecnología Química y Comercio, S.A., Servicios y Formulaciones Industriales S.A. and SYNGENTA CROP Protección S.A., against the Republic of Peru, for the alleged breach of articles 2, 3 and […]
Research Report on ANDEAN COMMUNITY Decisions
ID: Title: Research Report on ANDEAN COMMUNITY Decisions Source: Review of 67 decisions issued by the Court of Justice of the Andean Community from 2006-2010 (July). Parties: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and/or Peru. Dispute Resolution Organ: As part of the integration process, the members of the Andean Community created the Court of Justice, which is the […]
Research Report on MERCOSUR Decisions
ID: Title: Research Report on MERCOSUR Decisions Source: Review of 8 decisions issued by the Adhoc Arbitral Tribunal or Permanent Tribunal of Revision from Mercosur pursuant to the Treaty of Asuncion and its Protocols from 2005-2009. Parties: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and/or Uruguay. Dispute Resolution Organ: The system for dispute settlement in Mercosur was temporarily regulated […]
Research Report on NAFTA Decisions
ID: Title: Research Report on NAFTA Decisions Source: Review of 45 decisions issued by Binational Panels created pursuant to the rules of Chapter XIX of NAFTA, from 2004-2009. Parties: Canada, Mexico and/or United States. Dispute Resolution Organ: Binational Panels created according to Chapter XIX of NAFTA. Year: 2004-2009 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, dispute reports, […]