labour rights
On the issues of human rights protection relating to trade under the WTO framework
ID: Title: Lun WTO kuangjia xia yu maoyi youguan de requan baohu wenti (On the issues of human rights protection relating to trade under the WTO framework) Source: Keji chuangye yuekan (Sci-Tech Pioneering Monthly), Vol. 7, pp. 118-120 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2005 Pages: 0 Author(s): Songdong Li Keywords: labour rights, health rights, IPR, […]
Human rights issues relating to international trade – from the perspective of the right to development
ID: Title: Guoji maoyi zhong de renquan wenti – yi fazhanquan wei shijiao (Human rights issues relating to international trade – from the perspective of the right to development) Source: Hebei Faxue (Hebei Jurisprudence), Vol. 5, pp. 137-141 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2009 Pages: 0 Author(s): Honggong Ma and Xianbo Li Keywords: labour rights, […]
Relationship between trade and human rights under the WTO framework
ID: Title: WTO kuangjia xia de maoyi yu renquan guanxi” (“Relationship between trade and human rights under the WTO framework”) Source: WTO de falv kuangjia yu qita zhiduxing anpai de chongtu yu ronghe (Conflicts and adaption between WTO legal framework and other systems), Faxue (Jurisprudence), No. 7, pp 114-121. Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 […]