Dispute between the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Argentina “Import ban on remoulded tires”
ID: Title: Dispute between the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Argentina “Import ban on remoulded tires” Source: Permanent Tribunal of Revision (Tribunal Permanente de Revisión, TPR) Parties: Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Argentina Dispute Resolution Organ: Ad Hoc Arbitral Tribunal. Year: 2005 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Argentina, Uruguay, MERCOSUR, […]
Dispute between the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Argentina “Omission from the Argentinean State in adopting appropriate measures to prevent and/or make end the restriction to free movement derived from the cuts of access ways in Argentinean territory to the international bridges of Gral. San Martín and Gral. Artigas that join the Republic of Argentina with the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.”
ID: Title: Dispute between the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Argentina “Omission from the Argentinean State in adopting appropriate measures to prevent and/or make end the restriction to free movement derived from the cuts of access ways in Argentinean territory to the international bridges of Gral. San Martín and Gral. Artigas that […]
Integrating Trade and Human Rights in the Americas
ID: Title: Integrating Trade and Human Rights in the Americas Source: INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND HUMAN RIGHTS: FOUNDATIONS AND CONCEPTUAL ISSUES. Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 0 Author(s): Garcia, Frank J. Keywords: NAFTA, trade agreements, MERCOSUR, FTAA, free trade, human rights, hemispheric integration Abstract: The paper addresses the attempts that have been done in […]
Research Report on MERCOSUR Decisions
ID: Title: Research Report on MERCOSUR Decisions Source: Review of 8 decisions issued by the Adhoc Arbitral Tribunal or Permanent Tribunal of Revision from Mercosur pursuant to the Treaty of Asuncion and its Protocols from 2005-2009. Parties: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and/or Uruguay. Dispute Resolution Organ: The system for dispute settlement in Mercosur was temporarily regulated […]