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<div class="breadcrumb breadcrumbs"><div class="breadcrumb-trail"> » <a href="https://apdr.allard.ubc.ca" title="Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution" rel="home" class="trail-begin">Home</a> <span class="sep">»</span> <a href="https://apdr.allard.ubc.ca/category/archival-research-protocol-ii/2006/" rel="tag">2006</a>, <a href="https://apdr.allard.ubc.ca/category/archival-research-protocol-ii/" rel="tag">Archival Research Protocol II</a> <span class="sep">»</span> Dispute between the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Argentina “Omission from the Argentinean State in adopting appropriate measures to prevent and/or make end the restriction to free movement derived from the cuts of access ways in Argentinean territory to the international bridges of Gral. San Martín and Gral. Artigas that join the Republic of Argentina with the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.” </div></div>

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution

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