social equality
H. A. E. d. J. v. The Netherlands
ID: HARP-013 Title: H. A. E. d. J. v. The Netherlands Source: Parties: Complainants: H. A. E. d. J. (name deleted); State Party: The Netherlands Dispute Resolution Organ: UN Human Rights Committee – First optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Year: 1989 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: discrimination, equality before […]
Vos v. The Netherlands
ID: HARP-023 Title: Vos v. The Netherlands Source: Parties: Complainants: Hendrika S. Vos; State Party: The Netherlands Dispute Resolution Organ: UN Human Rights Committee – First optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Year: 1989 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: disability, discrimination, equality before the law, gender equality, marital status, non-discrimination, […]
Broeks v. The Netherlands
ID: HARP-008 Title: Broeks v. The Netherlands Source: Parties: Complainants: S. W. M. Broeks; State Party: The Netherlands Dispute Resolution Organ: Dispte Resolution Organ UN Human Rights Committee – First optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Righs Year: 1987 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: disability, discrimination, equality before the law, gender […]
Van Oord v. The Netherlands
ID: HARP-022 Title: Van Oord v. The Netherlands Source: Parties: Complainants: Jacob and Jantina Hendrika van Oord; State Party: the Netherlands Dispute Resolution Organ: UN Human Rights Committee – First optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Year: 1997 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: citizenship, discrimination, equality before the law, national identity, […]
The Rising Urban Poverty: a dilemma of market reforms in China
ID: HARP-684 Title: The Rising Urban Poverty: a dilemma of market reforms in China Source: Journal of Contemporary China (2000), 9(23), 113-125 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: China/Chinese, economic, social, and cultural rights, employment, equity, human rights, market economy, reform, social equality, social security, unemployment, tolerance, poverty, standard of living […]
From Welfare Housing to Home Ownership: the Dilemma of china’s Housing Reform
ID: HARP-662 Title: From Welfare Housing to Home Ownership: the Dilemma of china’s Housing Reform Source: Housing Studies, Vol. 15, No. 1, 61-76, 2000 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: China/Chinese, economic, social, and cultural rights, human rights, market economy, reform, social equality, social security, privatization, housing, standard of living Abstract: […]
50 years of Canada’s international commitment to human rights: millstones in correcting corrections for federally sentenced women
ID: HARP-382 Title: 50 years of Canada’s international commitment to human rights: millstones in correcting corrections for federally sentenced women Source: Canadian Woman Studies , v.20(3) Fall’00 pg 44-46 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, equality before the law, gender equality, human rights, social equality, woman, civil and political rights, […]
Living on the edge: women, poverty and homelessness in Canada
ID: HARP-379 Title: Living on the edge: women, poverty and homelessness in Canada Source: Canadian Woman Studies , v.20(3) Fall’00 pg 123-126 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, economic, social, and cultural rights, human rights, social equality, social security, woman, housing Abstract: In 1998, the mayors of Canada’s large urban […]
Tracking and resisting backlash against equality gains in sexual offence law
ID: HARP-381 Title: Tracking and resisting backlash against equality gains in sexual offence law Source: Canadian Woman Studies , v.20(3) Fall’00 pg 72-83 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, economic, social, and cultural rights, equality before the law, gender equality, human rights, law, social equality, social security, woman, sexual harassment, […]
Equality without democratic values? Why feminists oppose the criminal procedure reforms
ID: HARP-168 Title: Equality without democratic values? Why feminists oppose the criminal procedure reforms Source: Canadian Woman Studies , v.19(1/2) Spr/Summ’99 pg 6-21 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1999 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, democracy, equality before the law, gender equality, human rights, law, social equality, woman, feminist, civil and political rights, […]
Civil risk and landscapes of marginality in Canada: a pluralist approach to social justice
ID: HARP-143 Title: Civil risk and landscapes of marginality in Canada: a pluralist approach to social justice Source: Canadian Geographer, v.44(4), Wint’00, pg 401-417. CBCA Fulltext: Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, economic, social, and cultural rights, equality before the law, gender equality, human rights, movement […]
Pauger v. Austria
ID: HARP-018 Title: Pauger v. Austria Source: Parties: Complainants: Dietmar Peuger; State Party: Austria Dispute Resolution Organ: UN Human Rights Committee – First optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Year: 1992 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: anti-discrimination, Austria, discrimination, employment, equality before the law, gender equality, human rights, non-discrimination, pension, social […]