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Volume 3: Trade Policy Implications and the Right to Health

Number 1: Public Health Policy in Asia

In response to the intertwined questions about resource allocation and distribution and policy priorities in the Asia Pacific region, the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia, through the Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution project, convened an international conference on Public Health Policy in Asia: Boundaries of Risk and Redistribution. The conference provided a platform for discussion and a framework for policy responses to challenges of local health policy in Asia. Bringing together specialists from a range of disciplines, including academics, civil society practitioners, and government officials, the conference presented an interdisciplinary, policy-oriented response to the challenges of public health policy in one of the most dynamic regions of the world. The authors of the papers comprising this number of the Working Paper Series of the APDR Project reflect an interdisciplinary perspective by combining issues of health policy with operational examples and local case studies.

Refer to the Table of Contents for the full list of contributions in this number

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution

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