- Hirsch, Moshe, “Private Food Safety Standards, Obligations of Governments, and Unresolved Questions in Contemporary WTO Law” (2018) APDR Working Paper Series no. 18-5, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2938501.
- Kotwal, Ashok, “The Challenge of Job Creation” (2018) APDR Working Paper Series no. 18-8, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3149911.
- Li, Juan, “Legal Culture on Labour Disputes of Migrant Construction Workers in China” (2018) APDR Working Paper Series no. 18-2, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3107146.
- Malhotra, Nisha & Devesh Roy, “Deworming During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes” (2018) APDR Working Paper Series no. 18-12, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3152584.
- Parizeau, Bérangère Maïa N., “Policy-oriented Macro-analysis: China’s Freshwater & Health Crisis: An Essay on the Techno-industrial Puppetry of Oligarchic Dictatorship” (2018) APDR Working Paper Series no. 18-3, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3118538.
- Potter, Pitman B., “China and the Human Right to Health: Selective Adaptation and Treaty Compliance” (2018) APDR Working Paper Series no. 18-6, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3149987.
- Potter, Pitman B., “Human Rights Protection: The Role of Institutional Capacity and Selective Adaptation” (2018) APDR Working Paper Series no. 18-6, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3143889.
- Foster, Lorne & Lesley A. Jacobs, “Inclusive Workplace Practice in Canada: Competing Inequalities in an Industrial-Mobile Society” (2017) APDR Working Paper Series no. 17-3, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3027580.
- Foster, Lorne & Lesley A. Jacobs, “Introduction: Labour and Human Rights” (2017) APDR Working Paper Series, available at: http://hdl.handle.net/2429/62537.
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Four Suggestions on Establishing a Legal Environment for a Speedy Transformation of the Economic Development Model” (2017) APDR Working Paper Series no. 17-1, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3027120.
- Pitman B. Potter, “Law and Art in China: Domination and Resistance,” (May-June, 2017) 58:1-2 Les Cahiers de Droit 137-161.
- Wang, Shuliang, “An Analysis of the Social and Legal Problems in Transitional China” (2017) APDR Working Paper Series no. 17-2, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3027577.
- Wang, Shuliang, “Inter-Regional Targeted Assitance Program in China and its Relevant Legal Issues” (2017) APDR Working Paper Series no. 17-5, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3036639.
- Ishida, Kyoko, “Why Female Lawyers Get Less – Multiple Glass Ceilings for Japanese Female Lawyers” (2016) 39:2 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 411-439.
- Li, Jianyong, “Labour Arbitration in Mainland China: Its Current State, Characteristics, and Tendencies” (2016) APDR Working Paper Series no. 16-3, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2854447.
- Wada, Yoshitaka, “Healthcare Dispute Resolution: New Approach for Building Trustful Relationships” (2016) 6 Arbitration and ADR Forum (in Japanese).
- Wan, Yanhai, “AIDS, Human Rights, and Public Security in China” (2016) APDR Working Paper Series no. 16-1, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2795188.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “The Negative List Model: The Legal Infrastructure of China’s Foreign Investment System” (Nov. 2016) 3 SASS Studies.
- Wang, Shuliang, “Thought of Rule of Law on Improving Counterpart Aid Mechanism in Our Country” (2016) 1 Shanghai Intellectual Circle.
- Kotwal, Ashok & Arka Roy Chaudhuri, “What Will Improve Governance?” (2015) 14:1 India Review 43-57.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “New Approaches: The Trade Union Work Mission in Our Free Trade Pilot Zones” (2015) 1 Trade Union Theory and Practice.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Multi Supervision: Key Problems and Solutions in Our Labor Inspection System” (2014) 1 Labor Movement Forum 11.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “Study on the Scope of Internet Service Management under the GATS Framework: Concurrently Discussing China’s Countermeasures” (2013) 5 Law and Business Research. (NOTE: also reprinted in Press Materials of the Renmin University of China (International Law)”, 2014.
- Gu, Xiarong, “A Comparative Study between China and Japan on the Financial Consumer Protection in Criminal Law” (2013) 8 Politics and Law.
- Gu, Xiarong, “Research on ‘Enforcing Law Like Fishing’ in Legal Context” (2013) 1 Crime Research.
- Ramaswami, Bharat & Milind Murugkar, “Food Policy Reforms: A Rapid Tour of Possibilities” (2013) 18 South Asia Working Paper Series, Asian Development Bank.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “The Jurisdiction of International Services Management under the GATTS Framework” (Nov. 18, 2013) Studies in Law and Business.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “The Protection of Financial Consumer by the KODA Financial Products Dispute,” (2013) 13 Economical Criminal Law, SASS Press.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “New Labor Dispatching Legislation: Background, Achievement and Weakness: Labour Unions” (2013) 1 Enterprise Research.
- Biddulph, Sarah, “Responding to Industrial Unrest in China: Prospects for Strengthening the Role of Collective Bargaining” (2012) 34:1 Sydney University Law Review 35-63.
- Biukovic, Ljiljana, “Transparency Issues in Negotiations of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union” (2012) 39:1 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 93-109.
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Aiming at Keeping and Increasing the Value of Individuals’ Financial Assets” (2012) 6 Shanghai Economy Research.
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Basic Legal Issues on the Protection Standard and Procedure of Financial Consumers” (2012) 6 Political Science and Law.
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Legal Measures Abroad Against the Products Over-Packing” (2012) Shanghai People’s Congress Monthly.
- Gu, Xiaorong, “The Reflection and Advanced Measures on the Punishment of Securities Crime” (2012) 10 Law Science.
- He, Weidong, “Evaluation and Analysis on the Status of Law Implementation in Shanghai” (2012) 3 Political Science and Law.
- Kotwal, Ashok, Bharat Ramaswami & Milind Murugkar, “The Political Economy of Food Subsidy in India” (2012) 30:2 The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies.
- Kusno, Abidin, “Housing the Margin: Perumahan Rakyat and the Future Urban Form of Jakarta” (2012) 94 Indonesia – Cornell University South East Asia Program.
- Nakamura, Masao & Sven Tommi Rebien, “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Japanese Firms and Selective Adaptation,” (2012) 45 UBC Law Review 723-778.
- Nakamura, Masao & W. Mark Fruin, “Implications of the Japan Model for Corporate Governance and Management for China and other Emerging Economies in Asia” (2012) 6:2 Journal of Asian Business 122.
- Nakamura, Masao, “Japanese Corporate Governance Reform, Globalization and Selective Adaptation” (2012) 24:3 Journal of Asian Business 1.
- Nakamura, Masao, Hitoshi Hayami & Alice O. Nakamura, “Wages, Overseas Investment and Ownership: Implications for Internal Labor Markets in Japan” (2012) 23:14 International Journal of Human Resource Management 2959.
- Potter, Pitman B., “Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Pacific Rim,” (2012) 45 UBC Law Review 635.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “The Reform on Import and Export Policy of Financial Institution in China,” (2012) 12 Law Science.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “The Legal Supervision on Labor in Labor Union’s Perspective” (2012) 3 Labor Union Theory Research.
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Creation of Favorable Legal Environment for Innovation and Transformation” (2011) 3 Shanghai Renda Yuekan (Shanghai People’s Congress).
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Establish Favorable Legal Environment for Innovation and Transformation” (2011) 3 Shanghai Renda Yuekan (Shanghai People’s Congress).
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Suggestions for Preventing Financial Criminal Legislation Overextending” (2011) 7 Shanghai Xin Zhiku Zhuanbao (Shanghai New Think Tank Information).
- Gu, Xiaorong, “The Excessive Expansion of Financial Criminal Legislation Must Be Prevented” (2011) Fa Xue (Law Science).
- Hao, Yi-Ding, “Reconstruction of Trademark Infringement Determination by Dual Roles” (2011) 12 Political Science and Law.
- He, Weidong, “Quantitative Analysis Method of Environmental Legislation Assessment – Legislation Evaluation Model Based on Delphi Method” (2011) 5 Shanghai Environment Science.
- Kandlikar, Milind, Julia Freeman, & Terre Satterfield, “Agricultural Biotechnology and Regulatory Innovation in India” (2011) 38:4 Science and Public Policy 319-331.
- Kotwal, Ashok, Wilima Wadhwa & Bharat Ramaswami, “Economic Liberalization and Indian Economic Growth: What’s the Evidence?” (2011) 49:4 Journal of Economic Literature 1152-1199.
- Nakamura, Masao, “Adoption and Policy Implications of Japan’s New Corporate Governance Practices after the Reform” (2011) 28 Asia Pacific Journal of Management 187-213.
- Potter, Pitman B., “4 June and Charter 08: Approaches to Remonstrance,” (2011) 25:2 China Information 121-138.
- Potter, Pitman B., “Gongsi zhili jiegou yu shehui zeren de xietiao yu pingheng (Coordinating Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility)” (2009) 39:3 Hong Kong University Law Journal 675-696. Reprinted in 2011: 1 Tsinghua Faxue (Tsinghua Law Journal). (NOTE: Later version of this article reprinted as Pitman B. Potter, “Coordinating Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility,” in Wesley Cragg, ed., Business and Human Rights (Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012, also available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2291738.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “Improvement & Development of Our Export Tax Rebate System in Perspective of WTO” (2011) 9 Political Science and Law.
- Biukovic, Ljiljana, “International Law Interrupted—A Case of Selective Adaptation” (2010) 60 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 161-177
- Potter, Pitman B., “Dilemmas of Access to Health Care in China” (2010) 8:1 China: An International Journal 164-179.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Start from Limiting Government’s Power” (2010) Dangdai Gongren (Contemporary Workers).
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Five Points for Attention in Constructing the Institutional Capacity of Financial Criminal Law” (2009) 10 Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping Lilun Yanjiu (Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories).
- Gu, Xiaorong, “Institutional Capacity Construction of China’s Criminal Law and Defending Financial Risks Original Source” (2009) 8 Fa Xue (Law Science).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Dilemma Faced by Unions and Solutions under the Background of Financial Crisis” (2009) 4 Gonghui Lilun Yanjiu (Labour Union Studies).