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- Biddulph, Sarah, “Democratic Centralism and Administration in China” in Hualing Fu, John Gillespie, Pip Nicholson & William Edmund, eds, Socialist Law in Socialist East Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018).
- Biddulph, Sarah, Flora Sapio, Susan Trevaskes & Elisa Nesossi, eds, Justice: The China Experience (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
- Biddulph, Sarah, Flora Sapio, Susan Trevaskes & Elisa Nesossi, eds, “The Expression of Justice in China” in Biddulph, Sapio, Trevaskes & Nesossi Justice: The China Experience (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
- Biddulph, Sarah, Flora Sapio, Susan Trevaskes & Elisa Nesossi, eds, “Of Ceremonial Columns” in Biddulph, Sapio, Trevaskes & Nesossi Justice: The China Experience (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
- Biddulph, Sarah, “Justice at the Margins: Notions of Justice in the Punishment of Prostitution” in Biddulph, Flora Sapio, Susan Trevaskes & Elisa Nesossi, eds, Justice: The China Experience (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
- Biddulph, Sarah, Elisa Nesossi & Flora Sapio, “Detention and Its Reforms in the PRC (2017) 2 China Law and Society Review 1-62.
- Biddulph, Sarah, Elisa Nesossi & Susan Trevaskes, “Criminal Justice Reforms in the Xi Jinping Era” (2017) 2 China Law and Society Review 63-128.
- Gu, Xiaorong, Remarks on Economic Criminal Law (Peking University Press, 2017).
- Ishida, Kyoko, “Deterioration or Refinement? Impacts of an Increasing Number of Lawyers in Japan” (2017) 24:3 International Journal of the Legal Profession.
- Vertinsky Ilan, James Brander & Cui Victor, “China and Intellectual Property Rights: A Challenge to the Rule of Law” (2017) 48:7 Journal of International Business Studies 908–921.
- Wada, Yoshitaka, “Imagined Community and Litigation Behavior: The Meaning of Automobile Compensation Lawsuits in Japan” in Mary Nell Trautner, ed, Insiders, Outsiders, Injuries, and Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
- Biddulph, Sarah, Elisa Nesossi, Susan Trevaskes & Flora Sapio, eds, “Legal Reforms and the Deprivation of Liberty in China” (London and New York: Routledge, 2016).
- Biddulph, Sarah, “What to Make of the Abolition of Re–Education Through Labour?” in Elisa Nesossi, Biddulph, Susan Trevaskes & Flora Sapio, eds, Legal Reforms and the Deprivation of Liberty in China (London and New York: Routledge, 2016) 23-42.
- Biddulph, Sarah, Elisa Nesossi, Susan Trevaskes & Flora Sapio, “Deprivation of Liberty under Scrutiny” in Nesossi, Biddulph, Trevaskes & Sapio, eds, Legal Reforms and the Deprivation of Liberty in China (London and New York:Routledge, 2016) 1-20.
- Biddulph, Sarah, Elisa Nesossi, Susan Trevaskes & Flora Sapio, “Opportunities and Challenges for Legislative and Institutional Reform of Detention in China’ in Nesossi, Biddulph, Trevaskes & Sapio, eds, Legal Reforms and the Deprivation of Liberty in China (Routledge, 2016) 162-170.
- Biddulph, Sarah (Translated by Ye Lingling), “Public Trust and Social Order: Resolving Medical Disputes in China” (in Japanese公衆の信頼と社会秩序:中国における医療紛争の解決) (2016) 137 Kumamoto Law Review 71-83.
- He, Weidong, The Citizen Education on Constitution (Shanghai Science and Technology Literature Press, 2016).
- Jacobs, Lesley A., David Kryszajtys & Matthey McManus, “Paths to Justice and the Resolution of Consumer Problems” (Toronto, ON: Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, April 2016).
- Wang, Hai Feng, “International Trade Investment Rules and Patterns under the Shanghai Development Strategy Research,” 2016 City Business Development Project.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Non-public Enterprise Labor Relations Non-standard Operation of the Crux of the Problem and Its Response” (2016) 4 Trade Union Theory.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “The Key to the Lack of Artisan Spirit: The Workers of Occupational Treatment” (2016) 12 Shanghai Work.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Study on the Maintenance of the Rights and Interests of Workers by the Work Union Under the New Normal Status” (2016) 1 Enterprise Trade Union Research.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Comparative Study of Labour Law among China Mainland and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan,“ in Law Press, August 2016.
- Jacobs, Lesley A., ”When Are Elections Fair? A Three-dimensional Approach to Electoral Fairness” (2015) 9:1 Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 297-306. Reprinted in Richard Blasko & Greg Tardi, eds, The Informed Citizens’ Guide to Elections: Electioneering Based on the Rule of Law (Toronto: Carswell, 2015).
- Kotwal, Ashok, Siwan Anderson & Patrick Francois, “Clientelism in Indian Villages” (2015) 105:6 American Economic Review 1780-1816.
- Biddulph, Sarah, Susan Trevaskes, Elisa Nesossi & Flora Sapio, eds, The Politics of Law and Stability in China, (Cheltenham, UKNorthampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014).
- Biddulph, Sarah, “Management of Stability in Labour Relations” in Susan Trevaskes, Nesossi Elisa, Sapio Flora & Biddulph, eds, The Politics of Law and Stability in China, (Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014) 21-41 .
- Ishida Kyoko, “Goddess of Justice Without a Blindfold: How Do Japanese Judges Treat Pro Se Litigants?,” in John O. Haley & Toshiko Takenaka, eds, Legal Innovations in Asia: Judicial Law-making and Influence of Comparative Law (Cheltenham, UK Northhampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014).
- Jacobs, Lesley A. (with Nachshon Glotz & Matthew McManus), Privacy Rights in the Global Digital Economy: Legal Problems and Canadian Paths to Justice (Toronto: Irwin Law Books, 2014).
- Kotwal, Ashok, Maitreesh Ghatak & Parikshit Ghosh, “Growth in the Time of UPA: Myths and Reality” (April 12, 2014) 49:16 Economic and Political Weekly 34.
- Kotwal, Ashok, “Emerging Challenges: Economic and Social,” in Ideas for India, August 6, 2014.
- Kotwal, Ashok, Dilip Abreu, Pranab Bardhan, Maitreesh Ghatak, Dilip & Debraj Ray, “Misleading Attack on MNREGA” in The Times of India (reprinted in Ideas for India, November 12, 2014).
- Kotwal, Ashok, Dilip Abreu, Pranab Bardhan, Maitreesh Ghatak, Dilip & Debraj Ray, “Response to Bhagwati-Panagariya Rejoinder on MNREGA,” in Ideas for India, December 14, 2014.
- Wadhwa, Wilima & Rukmini Banerji, “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend in India: Can Primary Education Deliver?” in Ashima Goyal, ed, Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century: Understanding the Inherent Dynamism (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014).
- Wang Shuliang, “The Contribution to the Principle of International Law by New China,” Shanghai Legal System Daily, September 3, 2014.
- Biddulph, Sarah, “Compulsory Drug Rehabilitation in China” in Nick Crofts & Fifa Rahman, eds, Drug Law Reform in East and Southeast Asia (Lexington Books, 2013) 233-243.
- Biddulph, Sarah, “Rights in the New Regime for Treatment of Drug Dependency” in Mike McConville & Eva Pils, eds, Criminal Justice in China: Comparative Perspectives (Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013) 323-344.
- Biddulph, Sarah, Sean Cooney & Ying Zhu, Law and Fair Work In China (London and New York: Routledge, 2013).
- Ishida, Kyoko, “Hoka Daigakuin deno gakushu keiken to shihoshiken junbi (Experiences at Law School and Preparations for the Bar Examination)” (2013) 6 Aoyama Law Journal.
- Jacobs, Lesley A. & Ilan Vertinsky, “Fairness in Business,” in Janis Sarra, ed, An Exploration of Fairness: Interdisciplinary Inquiries in Law, Science and the Humanities (Toronto: Carswell Publishers, 2013) pp. 293-305.
- Malhotra, Nisha & Ravi Upadhyay, “Why Are there Delays in Seeking Treatment for Childhood Diarrhoea in India?” in Acta Paediatrica 2013.
- Malhotra, Nisha, “Inadequate Feeding of Infant and Young Children in India: Lack of Nutritional Information or Food Affordability?” (2013) 16 Public Health Nutrition, 1723-1731.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Alashi aani mujor shetmajuraachee kafiyat (Grievances of an Agricultural labour),” in Maharashtra Times (Marathi Daily), March 22, 2013.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Balirajachya Hitache Pakile Paul (First Step to Improve Farmers’ Welfare)” in Sakal, a Marathi Daily, September 1, 2013.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Being One Up in the Hunger Games,” in Hindustan Times, April 9, 2013.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Paul Daridrynirmulanachya Dishene (A Step Toward Poverty Alleviation)” in Sakal, a Marathi Daily, July 5, 2013.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Pawaranchi Durdaivee Bhumika (The Unfortunate Stand on the Agricultural Minister),” in Loksatta, a Marathi Daily, January 7, 2013.
- Biddulph, Sarah, Sean Cooney & Ying Zhu, “Rule of Law With Chinese Characteristics: The Role of Campaigns In Law-Making” (2012) 34:4 Law & Policy 373-401.
- Gu, Xiaorong, ed, Economic Criminal Law, Volume 12 (Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 2012).
- Jacobs, Lesley A. & Lorne Foster, “Workplace Practice and Diversity in Canada” (2012) 14 Think India Quarterly.
- Jacobs, Lesley A. & Lorne Foster, “Framing Competing Human Rights Claims: The Promise of Shared Social Citizenship” in Shaheen Azmi, Foster & Jacobs, eds, Balancing Competing Human Rights Claims in a Diverse Society: Institutions, Policy, Principles (Toronto: Irwin Law Books, 2012).
- Jacobs, Lesley A., Shaheen Azmi & Lorne Foster, eds, Balancing Competing Human Rights in a Diverse Society: Institutions, Policy, Principles (Toronto: Irwin Law Books, 2012).
- Kandlikar, Milind, Andrew P. Grieshop, Daniel Boland, Conor CO Reynolds, Brian Gouge, Joshua S. Apte & Steven N. Rogak, “Modeling Air Pollutant Emissions from Indian Auto-rickshaws: Model Development and Implications for Fleet Emission Rate Estimates” 50 (2012) Atmospheric Environment 148–156.
- Kotwal, Ashok, “What More Do We Want to Know about Indian Economy?” in Chetan Ghate, ed, Oxford University Handbook of Indian Economy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012).
- Kotwal, Ashok, Abhijit V. Banerjee, Pranab Bardhan, Milind Murugkar & Bharat Ramaswami, B., “It Simply Can’t Fail,” in Hindustan Times, 2012.
- Kulkarni, Ashwini, “Bihar – Teji se banata aur badhata (Bihar – Growing and Developing Fast)” in Lokmat (Marathi Daily), April 15, 2012.
- Malhotra, Nisha, “Child Malnutrition: Why Wealth Isn’t the Only Problem,” simultaneously published in Ideas for India and Live Mint, October 8, 2012.
- Malhotra, Nisha, “Nutrition Education Needed to Combat Child Malnutrition in India,” Kaiser Global Health Update, October 9, 2012, Kaiser’s Global Health Update, Malnutrition.
- Malhotra, Nisha, “Nutrition, a Vital Nutrient of Curriculum,” interviewed by Dipin Damodharan, 2012, Education Insider, DC Media, India.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Bt Cotton Technology: A Blessing or Curse for Farmers,” in The Economic Times, September 27, 2012.
- Ramaswami, Bharat & S. Jha, “How Can Food Subsidies Work Better? Answers from India and the Philippines,” (2010) Asian Development Bank – Economics Working Paper Series, No. 221. A revised version of this paper is in The Percolation of Public Expenditures: Food Subsidies in India and the Philippines, India Policy Forum (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2012).
- Wadhwa, Wilima & Rukmini Banerji, “Every Child in School and Learning Well in India: Investigating the Implications of School Provision and Supplemental Help” in India Infrastructure Report (India: IDFC Limited, 2012) Chapter 5, 52-63.
- Wang, Shuliang, “Evaluation and Analysis on the Status of Law Implementation in Shanghai,” (2012) 3 Political Science and Law.
- Hao, Yi-Ding, “Improvement of Appropriate Pluralistic Industrial Policy Governed by Law Rule in Macau,” (2011) Paper collection of Symposium on Science Administration and Institutional Culture Construction, One Country, Two Systems Research Center of Macao Polytechnic Institute Center 10.
- Hao, Yi-Ding, “Promote to Build New Legal System by ‘Improving Good Faith’ and ‘Improving Green’ as Principle Parts” (2011) Fazhi Xuanchuan (Legal Propaganda) 1.
- Ishida, Kyoko, Ethics and Regulations of Legal Service Providers in Japan, (Riga:VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011).
- Ishida, Kyoko, “62ki bengoshi chosa no jenda bunseki (Gender Analysis of the Survey of the 62nd Batch of Lawyers)” (2011) 2 Aoyama Law Journal.
- Ishida, Kyoko, “Hoka daigakuinshusshuinsha no tokucho (Special Characters of Law School Graduates in Japan)” (2011) 62 Liberty and Justice.
- Ishida, Kyoko, “Josei bengoshi no tokucho (Special Characters of Female Lawyers in Japan)” (2011) 62 Liberty and Justice.
- Ishida, Kyoko, “Nihon ni okeru bengoshi no senmonka (Specialization of Japanese Lawyers)” (2011) 2 Aoyama Law Journal.
- Jacobs, Lesley A., “The Globalization of the Race Relations Policy Dialogue,” (2011) 6:2 Directions 5-10.
- Kotwal, Ashok, Siwan Anderson & Patrick Francois, “One Kind of Democracy”, in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 1, No. 26-27, pp 44-48, 2015.
- Kotwal, Ashok & Ramaswami, Bharat, “Delivering Food Subsidy: The State and the Market,” in Ronald Herring, ed, Handbook on Food, Politics and Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
- Murugkar, Milind, “Coarse Correction,” in Indian Express, 2011.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Little on the Plate,” in Hindustan Times, 2011.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Lobbying Against Farmers,” in Indian Express, 2011.
- Murugkar, Milind, Bharat Ramaswami & Ashok Kotwal, “Intent, Design and Compatibility Pivotal,” in Deccan Herald, 2011.
- Murugkar, Milind, Bharat Ramaswami & Ashok Kotwal, “This is Not a Pipeline,” in Hindustan Times, 2011.
- Murugkar, Milind, Bharat Ramaswami & Ashok Kotwal, “Too Bad to Swallow,” in Indian Express, 2011.
- Pitman B. Potter, “Comment: People’s Republic of China Provisional Regulations on Art Import and Export Administrations,” International Journal of Cultural Property, vol. 18 (2011) 131-137.
- Wada, Yoshitaka, ed, Healthcare Mediation (Tokyo: Signe Publishers, 2011).
- Wada, Yoshitaka, “Deconstruction of Universality” (2011) 30 Theory of Law.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “Analysis on Carbon Tariff System from the Perspective of WTO” (2011) 3 International Trade.
- Wang, Hai Feng, “Discussion on the Quantitative Analysis Method of the Post-evaluation of the Environment Legislation” (2011) 5 Shanghai Environment Science.
- Yang, Peng Fei, “An Analysis of SOE’s Abuse of Service Dispatching Phenomenon” (2011) 8 Shanghai Qiye (Shanghai Enterprises).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Stay True in Competition, Be Strict in Supervision” (2011) Dangdai Gongren (Contemporary Workers).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Systematic Soil is Not Fertile” (2011) Dangdai Gongren (Contemporary Workers).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “The Causes of Anti-Trade Union Movement in US” (2011) 8 Shehui Guancha (Social Observation).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “The Importance of Anti-Alienation in Promoting Institution Building” (2011) Shehui Kexue Bao (Social Science Weekly).
- Foster, Lorne, “The Foreign Credentials Gap in Canada: The Case for Targeted Universalism” (2010) 6:2 Directions 10-14.
- Jacobs, Lesley A., Shaheen Azmi & Lorne Foster, eds, Canadian Diversity, Volume 8:3: Balancing Competing Human Rights Claims (Ottawa: Government of Canada, 2010).
- Jacobs, Lesley A. & Lorne Foster, “Shared Citizenship as the Context for Competing Human Rights Claims: Towards a Social Policy Framework” (2010) 10 Canadian Diversity 10-14.
- Malhotra, Nisha, “Determinants of Inadequate Feeding Of Infants In India: Food Affordability, Formal Education, Or Nutritional Knowledge” (2010), availabel online: http://works.bepress.com/nisha_malhotra/.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Cottoning On,” in Indian Express, 2010.
- Murugkar, Milind, “Replacing the PDS,” in Indian Express, 2010.
- Murugkar, Milind, “The Real Way to Universalize,” in Indian Express, 2010.
- Wada, Yoshitaka, “Dispute as a Thicket of Narratives” (2010) 2 Qualitative Psychology.
- Wada, Yoshitaka, “Toward a Dialogical Private Autonomy” (2010) 29 Theory of Law.
- Yang, Pen Fei, “Trade Unions in the U.S. and Trade Protectionism” (2010) 4 Gonghui Lilun Yanjiu (Labour Union Studies).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Eliminate Out-of-Date Productivity and Workers’ Compensation,” (2010) Dangdai Gongren (Contemporary Workers).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “Reasons for and Solutions to Unharmonious Employment Relationships” (2010) 2 Shanghai Qiye (Shanghai Enterprises).
- Potter, Pitman B., “Law Since 1949.” Encyclopedia of Modern China (Detroit: Charles Scribner Sons, 2009).
- Pitman B. Potter, “Law Since 1949” in Encyclopedia of Modern China (Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2009).
- Wang, Shuliang & Hai Feng Wang, “Negotiable Instruments Law” in International Commercial Law (Shanghai: Shanghai Caijing University Press, 2009).
- Yang, Peng Fei, “US Union: Supporters Behind the Scene for Trade Protection” (2009) 12 Shanghai Qiye (Shanghai Enterprises).