Reconstructionist Confucianism and Health Care: An Asian Moral Account of Health Care Resource Allocation
ID: HARP-625 Title: Reconstructionist Confucianism and Health Care: An Asian Moral Account of Health Care Resource Allocation Source: Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2002, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 675-682 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: China/Chinese, economic, social, and cultural rights, human rights, Korea/Korean, Singapore, Taiwan, Confucianism, health, health care, […]
ID: TARP-169 Title: IMPACT OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION Source: 7 Australian Dispute Resolution Journal p.197 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1996 Pages: 0 Author(s): Lim Lan Yuan Keywords: China, consultation, culture, dispute resolution, enforcement, negotiation, Singapore Abstract: Arising from differences in culture of societies, dispute resolution is likely to be perceived differently by […]
Human Rights, Culture, and the Singapore Example
ID: HRHR-002 Title: Human Rights, Culture, and the Singapore Example Source: McGill Law Journal/Revue de droit de McGill 1996 Vol. 41 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1996 Pages: 38 Author(s): Simon S. C. Tay Keywords: asian values, colonial, constitution, constitutional legal theory, culture, development, human rights, legal, multi-culturalism, multi-racialism, Singapore Abstract: Culture haunts […]
Final Determination on the Acrylic Ester Case
ID: TARP-016 Title: Final Determination on the Acrylic Ester Case Source: (The Online Library of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing and Safeguards of China) Parties: Chinese acrylic ester industry vs. acrylic ester exporters from Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia Dispute Resolution Organ: Ministry of Commerce, P. R. China (the fomer Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic […]