Official-language minority and aboriginal first-language education: implications of Norway’s Sami Language Act for Canada
ID: HARP-453 Title: Official-language minority and aboriginal first-language education: implications of Norway’s Sami Language Act for Canada Source: Canadian Journal of Education , v.21(1) Winter, 1996 pg 84-104 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 1996 Pages: 0 Author(s): Keywords: Canada, colonial/colonialism, culture, economic, social and cultural rights, human rights, language, Norway, indigenous people, […]
Final Determination on the Caprolactam Case
ID: TARP-017 Title: Final Determination on the Caprolactam Case Source: (The Online Library of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing and Safeguards of China) Parties: Chinese caprolactam industry vs. caprolactam exporters from Japan, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Norway Dispute Resolution Organ: Ministry of Commerce, P. R. China (the fomer Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, with […]