ID: |
HARP-299 |
Title: |
Food Banks and Food Security: Welfare Reform, Human Rights and Social Policy. Lessons from Canada? |
Source: |
Social Policy and Administration, 2002, 36, 6, Dec, 648-663 |
Parties: |
Dispute Resolution Organ: |
Year: |
2002 |
Pages: |
0 |
Author(s): |
Keywords: |
Canada, human rights, health, ideology, food bank, social assistance, food security, charitable industry/donation |
Abstract: |
In the past 20 years, food banks have established themselves as one of the fastest-growing charitable industries in First World societies. As institutionalized centers or clearing houses for the redistribution of donated & surplus food they have emerged as a key frontline response to the growing problem of food poverty & inequality. As welfare states have been restructured & cut back & basic entitlements have been denied, food banks have become secondary extensions of weakened social safety nets. This paper explores the growth of food banking in Canada & analyses its role in terms of advancing the human right to food, its effectiveness in achieving food security, & the extent to which it contributes to, &/or counters, the increasing emphasis by governments on welfare reform policies informed by neoconservative ideology. Food banks are examined from the perspective of their origins & purposes, institutionalization, usage, food distributed, & effectiveness. The rise of food banks in Canada is concrete evidence both of the breakdown of the social safety net & the commodification of social assistance. As such, they undermine the state’s obligation, as ratified in international conventions, to respect, protect, & fulfill the human right to food. They enable governments to look the other way & neglect food poverty & nutritional health & well-being. A possible future role for food banks in countries where they are already established lies in public education & advocacy, but their institutionalization makes this seem an unlikely course. In countries where they are in their infancy, the question of whether to support their development should be a matter of urgent public debate. 41 References. Adapted from the source document. |
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Keywords: Canada, charitable industry/donation, food bank, food security, health, human rights, ideology, social assistance