UNCTAD – WTO – Overview
ID: ITIT-021 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Overview Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 63 Author(s): Peter Van den Bossche Keywords: developing countries, dispute settlement, jurisdiction, law, legal assistance, negotiation, special and differential treatment, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module is the first of four on the dispute […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
ID: ITIT-009 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 43 Author(s): Edwin Vermulst Keywords: developing countries, dispute settlement, materail injury, serious prejudice, subsidies, trade, WTO Abstract: The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures [hereinafter: ASCM] sets out the […]
UNCTAD – WTO – Panels
ID: ITIT-016 Title: UNCTAD – WTO – Panels Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 50 Author(s): Peter Van den Bossche Keywords: consultation, developing countries, dispute settlement, panel proceedings, panel process, trade, WTO Abstract: The Understanding on Rules and Procedures for the Settlement of Disputes (the “DSU”) of the World […]
From Deserving Victims to ‘Masters of Confusion’: Redefining Refugees in the 1990s
ID: HARP-213 Title: From Deserving Victims to ‘Masters of Confusion’: Redefining Refugees in the 1990s Source: Canadian Journal of Sociology; Spring2002, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p135, 27p Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2002 Pages: 0 Author(s): Anna Pratt, Mariana Valverde Keywords: Canada, economic, social, and cultural rights, governance, human rights, movement and residency, social security, […]
UNCTAD – WTO -Anti-Dumping Measures
ID: ITIT-020 Title: UNCTAD – WTO -Anti-Dumping Measures Source: United Nations / UNCTAD Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2003 Pages: 61 Author(s): Edwin Vermulst Keywords: anti-dumping, dispute settlement, dumped imports, dumping, injury, national procedures, trade, WTO Abstract: This Module gives an overview of the provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, and how these provisions have been […]
Antidumping Agreement (AD) and Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM): The WTO Antidumping and Subsidies Agreement: Did the US Achieve Its Objectives During the Uruguay Round
ID: TARP-156 Title: Antidumping Agreement (AD) and Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM): The WTO Antidumping and Subsidies Agreement: Did the US Achieve Its Objectives During the Uruguay Round Source: 3 l Law & Pol’y Int’l Bus. 871 Parties: Dispute Resolution Organ: Year: 2000 Pages: 0 Author(s): Paul C. Rosenthal, Robert T.C. Vermylen Keywords: […]