ID: |
TARP-051 |
Title: |
Investigation Launched on the Chloroform Case |
Source: | (The Online Library of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing and Safeguards of China) |
Parties: |
Chinese chloroform industry vs. chloroform exporters from the EU, Korea, the US, and India |
Dispute Resolution Organ: |
Ministry of Commerce, P.R. China |
Year: |
2003 |
Pages: |
0 |
Author(s): |
Keywords: |
anti-dumping, China, chloroform, dumping, EU, India, investigation, jurisdiction, Korea, trade, US |
Abstract: |
The Ministry of Commerce announced that an anti-dumping investigation on chloroform imported from said countries started, as well as identification of the product and process matters. |
Secured: |
False |
Download Article: |
Available here |
Keywords: anti-dumping, China, chloroform, dumping, Europe/European Union, India, investigation, jurisdiction, Korea/Korean, trade, United States/USA