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During Phase II of the APDR Project, the Canada Research Team will develop and implement the Archival Records, Survey Interviews, and Case study research for the Canadian economy and examine the conditions for Canada’s compliance with international trade and human rights standards through interdisciplinary study and comparative analysis.

Chaired by Dr. Lesley Jacobs, Director, York Centre for Public Policy & Law at York University, the Canada Research Team closely collaborates with the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia. Currently the Canada Research Team is leading a comparative cross-country research project on health care system reform and the role of coordinated compliance with international human rights and trade law. The team is also engaged in a comparative cross-country research project on access to pharmaceutical drugs and the role of coordinated compliance with international human rights and trade law. This project extends the idea of policy dialogue with domestic courts to the realm of international law in the case of public health policy.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution

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