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Ethical values and Canadian foreign policy: two case studies

ID: HARP-203
Title: Ethical values and Canadian foreign policy: two case studies
Source: International Journal , v.56(1) Wint’00/01 pg 37-53
Dispute Resolution Organ:
Year: 2001
Pages: 0
Keywords: Canada, human rights, foreign policy, civil and political rights, security, foreign aid, liberty
Abstract: IT IS WIDELY EXPECTED THAT SOMETIME IN 2001 there will be a review of Canadian foreign aid policies. In anticipation, Canadian non-government organizations (NGOs) are mobilizing to do what they can to ensure that there is no substantial retreat from the putative humanitarian objectives of Canadian aid. Now is perhaps a good time to ask how much success civil society groups have had in the past in promoting a more ethically responsible Canadian foreign policy. A partial answer can be found by looking at their sustained efforts over several decades to influence Canadian policies on two major foreign policy issues in which one might expect that ethical considerations would play a significant role – Canadian policies toward apartheid South Africa and toward foreign aid.
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Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution

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